Friday, January 30, 2009

The Spirit Of Prophecy What Is It?

Whenever we open or speak God’s word, we must do so in hope that the Holy Spirit will Show us something new (not give us information to prove a point) and cause us to learn from what he had lead us to say.

The end of Revelation, 19:10 is a very interesting passage of scripture. Many people use this portion of scripture to justify certain denomination teachings. When Paul saw the awesome, splendor, beauty and majesty that the messenger of God possesses he fell on his face and began to worship the messenger. Paul beholding such awesome and majestic glory became convinced that this messenger had to be God. Like an obedient servant who understood the deity of Jehovah whom he thought he stood before, he took no chance and proceeded to give honor to the one whom he though was Jehovah. Unfortunately as he later found out when the messenger declared; “don’t do that, for I am a fellow servant and your brethren that have the testimony of Jesus Christ: Only worship God.” This being know that he had to lend clarity for Paul and all who will later hear, read and study this passage: so he explained; “that the Testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.” Here is the central point of this discourse.

In other words the messenger said, Jehovah who knows the beginning to the end (a gift and privilege that I do not have) had shown to me what must come to pass and he sent me to likewise show you also. As I understand it the spirit of prophecy is the source from which certain futuristic events derived.

We have seen all through the history of God’s people, he had spiritual leaders that lead his people with wisdom and his direct guidance. These specially appointed men had a special relationship with the Creator God. In the days of Daniel, he speaks to Daniel through dreams, God Spoke to Samuel by clearly whispering his instruction to him. Zacharias was approached and told of the near future by a Holy Angel, John the Revelator like Zacharias was approached by a Holy Angel and Moses saw a burning bush. We see the Almighty and Creator God has many way to speak to his people

The gift of prophecy is an exceptionally important gift and it is not given to anyone; although Jehovah always sends a prophet to warn his people of impending doom. He always rises up one who is worthy to withstand the confrontation of the presence of one of his Holy Messengers. Unlike the spiritual gifts that is given to the Church the Spirit of Prophecy is sent to reveal to man what must come to pass in critical and specific periods.

Unlike what some people believe: the spirit Of Prophecy is not a set or a collection of writing. The Spirit of Prophecy is the primary source from which prophetic messages are revealed. It is a privilege to be given a glimpse into the future. We must all understand that some people are given a glimpses into the future for different reasons; and at times such revelation from Jehovah may be solely for the warning of a people examples of these are Jonah who was instructed to warn Nineveh, Noah who warned the people of his day of an impending doom. At times others are given to warn the people of future time of future events as Daniel and John were assigned. And then there are people who are given glimpse into the future for the building of their faith and trust in Jehovah. Jehovah may cause certain things to be shown to you in a dream; a dream that you may not remember until such is being unfold in real time. It is then we realize that we had such an experience previously. Some refer to this as deja vu. What the world refers to as deja vu is God’s way of letting us know that he is still in control of the events of this universe the world and y-our life. Unfortunately like everything that Jehovah does for man/his people; the devil finds a way to transfer credit for Jehovah’s efforts and put it elsewhere, he has done the same thing with the personal prophecies/visions.

In every generation Jehovah always rise up a prophet to guide and lead his people, one who is willing to call sin by its right name and show the people Jehovah’s revealed plans for them. It is important for us to understand that God has many John the Baptist in the churches vibrant preachers, but he will rise up people to whom he will reveal events that have not yet come to pass. They will be the people who will have the spirit of prophecy reveal to them, messages for today’s generation.

God recognizes obedience in his servants. Not blind obedience but obedience that is base on ones knowledge and understanding of who he is. Jehovah does not see as man sees. He also say test very spirit see whether it be of Jehovah.

  • Are you willing to be use by Jehovah?
  • Are you obedient to his will?
  • Are you willing to sell your riches and give it to the poor and follow Jesus?

Until you are willing to submit your will to the obedience to Jehovah then don’t expect a revelation from the Spirit of Prophecy.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Does Your Life & Actions Declare Jesus Christ a Liar

All through the word of God, (in the old and new Testimonies of Jesus Christ: the Bible) we are taught how the Holy Spirit have moved and use the faith of and in Jehovah to bring about healing to those who were sick. A perfect example of this was Naaman the Syrian General who was inflicted with the then dreaded disease leprosy. This story is recorded in 2nd Kings Chapter 5. Elisha, Jehovah’s servant was not impressed with Naaman’s display of power, wealth and pride but sent this great man to bathe in the filthy Jordon River as he was directed by Jehovah. Naaman’s had faith that Elisha was indeed the servant of Jehovah, that Jehovah was capable of healing him and his faith was displayed in his obedience to Elisha’s instructions.

In the New testament, we see that Jesus went about healing the sick, raising the dead, he caused the blind to see and the deft to hear, he make the unresponsive feet of the lame to carry the weight of its body with very little ease and he provided food for thousand to eat while in the wilderness.

With an evolved knowledge of the source of his power Jesus Declared in John 14:12 he that believe in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my father.

We also have the experience at the gate beautiful, as is recorded in Acts: 3, where the lame man who daily made his living by begging arms of those who went into the temple to pray. One day while Peter and John were entering the temple, Peter established eye contact with the cripple man. He would have known from experience that when a worshiper establishes eye contact with him it was because they may have took pity on him and because of such he will received a tangible gift from their hands.

However in this instance, this was not the case. Without delay Peter declared, I do not have any money to give you, (silver and gold have I none) could you imagine the utter disappointment that may have overtook that man. Hopeful expectation was crushed by the words Silver and gold have I none. If the hand appointed servants of Jesus the crown prince of the Universe son of the Jehovah Jireh the God my provider; were broke, then what hope does this I have. I could imagine the look on his face.

But then the powerful words of hope penetrated the ears of the man. But what I have I am going to give to you (But such as I have Give I thee). A quick scan would have revealed that both men had nothing in their hands. Now the men of God were broke they did not have money, they did not have a basket or a small sack of food to offer this man. Now for the second time in a matter of seconds the man hopes was build up and broken down.

Then the miraculous words were spoken, “In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.”

This lame man would have heard of the stories of Jesus healing the lame, and hoped that one day Jesus would have come his way and perform such a miracle for him; but he did not. He also heard and remembered that Jesus said that greater things than what I have done you will do. He knew that these men were the followers of Jesus Christ; he would have heard of how shock the city dwellers were when they heard the followers of Jesus Christ speaking languages they knew not; he also heard of the repentance and baptism of thousands of people from far and near.

This lame man without being preached to knew that the prophecies of Jesus have been fulfilled. When I go, I will send you the comforter and he will lead you into all truth. And greater things than what I did you will do.

The lame man faith had already transcended belief: he knew that Jesus’ Holy Spirit was working on the earth and he was selected for healing. When Peter said with ‘confidence’ in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth Rise up and walk! This lame man did not have second thoughts; immediately, he accepted Peter’s hand and rises to his feel and walk.

The problem with us church folks today is that we live dirty sinful life in private and pretend to be holy in public, when we offers up our supplications to God we do not have any power. Our premeditated sins and unbelief hampers our communication to Jehovah.

To often we go to the bedside of the sick and the dieing as a show, so that we can have something to speak of to our friends and church members. Our actions are done just to look good in the eyes of the families of the ailing, church members and others. We publicly speak of our good deeds under the guise of humility but it is done in boastful pretence, a public display of our goodness.

While at the bedside of the sick and the dieing we offers weak, frivolous, and powerless prayers, and instead of creating an atmosphere of hope that will motivate healing we create an environment of despair and disbelief: we transfer out disbelief and lack of faith to the sufferers in our prays. In the process they defeat the purpose of Jesus, that of the Holy Spirit and the only living God Jehovah.

This is no child’s play, when we do such we are eroding the faith of Jehovah’s children and are sentencing these helpless victims to hell. We are fools playing games with people eternity for which we must give an account.

Yet like the Pharisee we become angry, critical and vengeful when the rocks (the un-chosen, those with limited knowledge or those who are not call by his name) cry glory and honor to God and receive the gifts that we by our own devices have knowingly forfeit.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Bible is it Good For Black People?

Click MP3 to listen to the song I Heard the Voice of Jesus mp3
On Sunday 11th January 2009, I was invited to what was dubbed the great debate two (2) which was held at the Salem Methodist Church in Harlem. The topic that form the basis of the discourse and for which the presenters took time to researched and debate was not only a simple one, it was also thought provoking. The audience saw and heard various arguments from: historian, philosophers, theologians, atheist and Muslim (the Muslin representative defended the bible). I must conclude that this debate was very competitive in its presentation and most of the presenters did very extensive research in defense of their convictions. Here the defenders of the faith of Jesus Christ were put to the test and were called upon to justify their belief and their faith.

Of the ten presenters that took part in this great debate seven of them argued that the Bible was Bible was not good for black people. While three argued that the Bible is good for black people and of that three a Muslim presented on behalf Jehovah and his son Jesus. This was a prefect representation of what we can expect in the last days on earth. According to prophecies there will come a time when each Christian faith will be tested, and one will be called upon to first; defend what he or she believes and secondly they will be expected to exhibit such faith, belief and conviction with their lives.

I sat their and listen to the argument of those who oppose as they present their very powerful historical, philosophical, atheistic and other arguments. The presenters made good, relevant and very strong points in support of their belief. They made reference and asked questions that even from the Christian’s prospective there is no answer for. The same questions Christian have been asking for hundreds of years and have yet to get a rational answer for.

And as is expected in a black community, the issues of racial, ethnic, social and other oppression that was handed out to millions people over the years all in the name of the bible: as we all know that the Negroes was and subject of such oppression namely Slavery, (black world wide) apartheid (a discriminatory system that was prominent in South Africa) and the racial segregation (USA).

The Bible is a book that chronicled the history of God’s people as was lead by Jehovah over specific periods of time. In it are practical experiences that help us to understand who Jehovah is, his love for his disobedient children (the backsliding of Israel) and his bold intervention in their lives (Deliverance of Israel from the Egyptians and the Babylonians).

I have concluded that although the bible was used by unscrupulous men to pacify and exploit many over the years even today. It can never be declared that the bible is not relevant or good for anyone in any racial, ethnic, or social group in any day or age.

If you follow the teaching of the Bible it teaches us how to live with peace with God, Ourselves and our brothers. The teachings of the Bible appeals to that consciences and instills morality, ethics, equal rights and Justice in those who study Jehovah’s words.

What is bad for black people are: weak, greedy, immoral and selfish religious leaders who use extract from Jehovah (Bible) words to satisfy there:

  • Unnatural appetite for the finer things of life such as: big luxurious houses, expensive cars, money to squander on other unimportant luxuries.

  • Their lust for the flesh: that endangers our women, and helpless children, and destroys already weak men in the community.

  • Imposing their weak and cowardly demeanor on the people by creating weak, passive and coward black men, women and children by preaching love out of context.

It is important that each person understand that anything in the hands of the wicked can be used and manipulated to become an instrument of and for evil. And the bible is no exception.

To argue that the Bible is not good for black people is like saying that money is not good for black people. The bible is an instrument, but one that teaches people how to live in peace with their God, themselves and others, while money is an instrument trade that is uses to satisfy human needs and wants. So the bible like anything else that was meant for good can be manipulated and become an instrument for and of bad. It solely depends within whose hands the money is. In the hands of a descent and God faring man that money can be an instrument for good: helping people out of poverty, creating opportunities for the disenfranchised etc. Yet in the hands of the wicked it can become an instrument of evil. Creating drug infested neighborhoods, with drug addicts roaming the streets, people are exploited and are forced to become prostitutes by those who choose to use God’s wealth as a means of satisfying their own selfish desires.

And in the same way music in the hands of one who fare Jehovah, Allah, Yahweh, Yeshua can become a vessel of truth, inspiration, hope and love. The same untarnished music can be used to conjure up and motivate hate, anger, lust and all that is evil. In some places the drums are use to summon devils; does that make the drums the most powerful instrument there is; an instrument that mimic and pulsate like the major operations of the body bad? No.

It only said that anything that is animate or inanimate, which includes the spoken words in the wrong hands can be use for evil. Let us take a little walk back into the Garden of Eden. God instructed the first couple not to eat of or touch the tree of Good and evil. He also warned them that the day they eat of it they shall surely die. Gen: 3:1 the devil cunningly asked the woman a question as to Yesuah’s instruction to them as it related to the tree in the midst of the garden. Eve in her folly explained to the devil as is recorded in Gen. 3:2-3 the woman explained to the Satan the instructed and consequence for violating such instruction. Yet Satan took and manipulated Jehovah’s holy and eternal words in order to convince the woman to disobey the holy words of Yesuah. As a result of such, the human race forfeited the life of luxury and ease that Yesuah had originally ordained for us his human. So you see the devil being wicked in his nature and intent used and manipulated Jehovah’s words for an evil end. Nothing has changed from since that day.

In the same way the devil manifested himself as serpent, an agent of evil he does the same thing in man. It is also important to note that the devil is always where he is not needed however he has no power or influence on those people; however he hangs around until mistakenly we extend an invitation to him. When we give the devil a foot in the door he does not willingly back off.

Another thing that is bad for black people are black people. It is said, if you want to hide anything from black people, all you have got to do is to put it in writing. Every Black man and woman must take his own destiny in his or her hands. We must fall in love with and cherish knowledge. We must be willing to slow down, we must be ready and willing to motivate to read and research because we have a thirst for knowledge. We must never accept information because it came from a reliable source. You should be the only reliable source. We must become a people who read and research what we hear. We must ignore cliché, intelligently sounding quotes, and people who claim they are authority in any subject.

We must take time to double check every one no matter whom they are. Jesus said to test/try every spirit. We can only test the spirit if we are willing to spend time in Jehovah’s words learning of him and from him.

Each of us must work out our own salvation in fear and trembling.

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Ooooh How Jehovah Loves Me

There are many wonderful promises in the bible, and each of the promises reflects Jehovah’s perfect love for his disobedient children. What is amazing about the promises that are written in Jehovah’s Holy Words is the fact that he did not make them when man was at his best; but he spoke them into immutable existence when man was at his worst and with the divine knowledge that our behavior will get even worst; yet my God loved us enough to offer us his love in many divine promises and “While we were still sinners Christ died for us.” Isn’t that an expression of love?

There is one of Jehovah’s promises that cause a fascination within my mind. It fascinates me in that in it, there is a tremendous suggestion. A suggestion that is not only fascinating it is very comforting and reflects Jehovah’s interest in me as an individual and my life. “Isaiah 65:24-25; “and it shall come to pass that before they call, I will answer: and while they are still speaking I will hear.” What does this mean to you as an individual?

This scripture text is suggesting that the grate magnificent God, who conduct and control the affairs of the Universe are there waiting for me to call and even before I call on his name he is there in attendance and not only that; he have already answer.

When tough economic times results in a lack of finances to buy bread for our tables: bread that will silence the growling pain of hunger; Just remember that Jehovah is there just waiting for us to call and he knows when we will call and before we call he will answer. Just remember that our God have never forsaken the righteous or cause his seeds to beg bread.

When we experience the mental pains of a delinquent child who lives a self-destructive life, one who enjoy the thrills that are to be derived from the pleasures of sex, the high of intoxication and the excited rush of criminal activities, Jehovah said in his words that no good thing will I withhold from you so Just call on Jehovah and in faith asked for your child (children) deliverance, for Jehovah is there just waiting to answer.

When our spouses have make the conscious decision to disobey the words of the messiah and seek to defile themselves with strange woman and men; Jehovah knows our pain and he sees our tears and he have promised that he will wipe away all tears from our eyes but before we call him he will answer. Thank God that the removal of our pain and the subsiding of our teats is only a call away.

When our feet are caught in the snare of our enemies and they are waiting to devour us. Take comfort in the face of danger, for my God have said that a thousand will be on my left side and ten thousand on my right side but they will not be able to touch one hair on thy head. isn't it comforting to know that our rescue mission is only a call away. For our God is waiting for us to call and before we call he has promised he will answer.
It matters not how big our problems are, the nature of our trial or the complexity of our situation; the God who created this universe is there waiting for us to call on him and even before we call he have promised that he will answer. And even when Jehovah has already put things in place for our comfort, sustenance and victory. Jesus will listen to us while we speak.

Jesus is happy when we speak to him for it is when we speak of our troubles, it is only then we realize the dept of the filth we are in and it is only then we can get a real appreciation for God's efforts on our behalf.
Jehovah is happy when we bring our burden to him and share our hopes, fears, concern, joys and confusions with him. It is what he was longing for, it was what he have been trying to get us to do our entire lives: and that is to develop a meaningful relationship with him. For it is only when we have develop a relationship with him we will see the importance of faith, trust, obedience, and love. It is when I develop a relationship with Jehovah that I will get to understand how much he loves me, it is then I will understand that he spares no expense when it comes to my sustenance and welfare; it is when I have a relationship with the God who rules the universe from the heavens that, I get to understand the gravity of sin and the devil’s hate for me and my creator, redeemer and King.

So do not only call Jehovah, but speak to him he has ears that are eager to listen, hands that are quick to bless, a voice that is not only comforting but powerful, eyes that sees into the future, and a love that is unconditional. Our God is not only awesome he is all loving, all faithful, all true and all powerful; but most of all: all of his resources are at my disposal. That’s how much he loves me.

Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 Have Ended lets Welcom Jehovah into 2009

...........I Know Where I'm Going mp3

...........Assalamu alaikum.....Peace be unto you.

2008 has quietly slipped into the pass and it is now history. As we look back on the activities that took place in 2008, we will be confronted with many things that we could have done much better then we did; behaviorally and otherwise. Some of the activities we were involved in may make us shudder while others may give us a sense of pride. But all in all we are fortunate to still be residing on the land of the living and in a world that is still capable of sustaining life.

We were blessed daily with clean air, drinkable water and food for our stomach, all of which was responsible for the nourishing of our body. We were also blessed with clothes for our backs and shelter that protected us from the elements. All of our needs were provided for by Jehovah God.

It is important to note that Jehovah has walked through 2008 and while he was there he put every thing in place for our safe passage throughout the. We must not forget to give Jehovah thanks for every thing (good and bad) that happened to us during the pass year. It matters not how bad our experience were, we must always bear in mind that it could have been worst and there are people who are worst off than we are.

Each person is of the opinion that his or her problems no matter how small are worst than everyone else’s problems and no one can never understand the magnitude of their trials. We should be happy and have the assurance that we serves a God (Jesus) who have been tempted, tested and tried as we are yet he have not sinned.

More than Jesus sinless life; he had taken the liberty to equip us with the source of power he used while he was on earth, void of his awesome heavenly powers and glory. Jesus/Jehovah have provided for our daily use; the Holy Spirit, the most awesomely powerful force for good. This force is more devastating than any other force that exist (good and bad). Just to think that this force is at my disposal, to be used by me to overcome and conqueror any devilish plot that is devised against me. Such a comforting and secure though.

The most overwhelming fact, is the knowledge that it matters not who we are, where we are from, how old we are, and what religion we choose to celebrate; our all loving, ever forgiving, and merciful Jehovah have grant us rights to the power of the holy spirit and the guidance and protection of his (Jehovah) holy angels

But we must never forget that although Jehovah loves us unconditionally his protection and blessings are conditional. He has promised to satisfy all of our needs, according to his riches in glory; however that is hinged on the condition that we seek him first and all of his righteousness.

Matt. 6: 30 says “Wherefore, if God clothed the grass of the fields which is here today and is cast into an oven. Should he not clothe you? Do not worry about tomorrow, I will take care of your tomorrow.”

Matt. 6: 33, But Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be add onto you"

It is important to note that Jehovah’s condition is basically the same for every promise and that is as long as we trust and rely on him to satisfy our hearts desire he will always be there to ensure that all of our needs are met. It matters not how large, expensive, or complex our needs are, Jehovah will employ all of his resources (like the snap of his fingers lol) to ensure that our needs are met.

  1. one who love you unconditionally
  2. one who is willing to give all for your protection and sustenance.

  3. one who can provided your grandest emotional, psychological, spiritual, financial and everyother conceivable needs each person can ever think of or experience.

Wisdom and commonsense dictates, that we give our loyalty, affection, love and adoration to one with such quality; and the only one who possess such qualities is Jehovah God.

We must be reassure that just as Jehovah have done in the pass. He has already walked through 2009 and has stacked every thing in our favor to ensure that we all are victorious in every thing we put our hands to. When we confronted dangerous situations we must know that Jesus will be with us always (I will never leave or forsake you) but most of all it is the will of God it on the other side of 2009 may we rest in peace with the assurance that on that bright and awesome/awful day when Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout; may we be caught up in the first resurrection.

So for 2009, let us make sure that we totally rely and love the Jehovah God the only one who knows the future and have stack all of the events of 2009 in our favor. In 2009 we cannot fail, or lose because our heavenly father have already ensure that we have the victory; but first we have to seek God first.

Seeking God first means that we have to totally rely on Jehovah to for the big things as well as the little thing. We must have faith in Jehovah's ability and willingness to supply all of our needs. We must also come to the realization it is Jehovah's will that none be lost.
I Know Where I'm Going mp3