Sunday, December 26, 2010

Christmas A Christian festival or Pagan Carnival?

Christmas is a festival that is widely celebrated by Christendom; unfortunately, most Christians celebrates this festival out of ignorance. They are ignorant as to what they believe as Christians and what Christmas is all about. It is also a sorry state, when you hear ministers of the Gospel, in their effort to indulged in the things of the world; make comment such as Jesus is the reason for the season. This is so far from the truth. Let me take this time to inform you that Jesus Christ, the Son of Yahweh; has nothing to do with Christmas; his birth, life, death and resurrection has nothing in common with this widely celebrated festival of indulgence. As a matter of fact, the very origin of Christmas is an abomination of Elshaddai.

What is the origin of Christmas?

Before I answer this question, let me give you a little back ground information about country of Roam; the country from whence Christmas has its origin. Roam was a pagan nation and the ruler and citizen of roam, worshipped many false God; which included the elements, nature (trees) as well as the Heaven body (stars, moon, sun etc.); these along with the worship of other idol, Created an environment that give rise to many defile ceremonies and festivals. When Christianity reached the shores of Roam, the Christian religion grew in popularity among his Roman subjects.

What was unfortunate about this is, most of the Roman Christians refused to turn away from their defiled and evil practices. Instead of the Church taking a stand on the word of Yahweh holding fast to the word of God, they chose to marry paganism with Christianity. This union was a totally unholy and a spiritually unhealthy union: the Devil’s delight. For many century and up to today the lies of the Devil is not only being propagated by Roam; but most of Christendom is selling this the darkness magic of idolatry too many unsuspecting believer, which is still affecting millions of Christian.

Now let’s take some time to discuss the beginning and the origin of Christmas.

Pagan Roam had a festival, which was called Saturnalia, This festival was a tribute festival or a sacrificial carnival which was held in honor of the God of Saturn himself. It began on 17th of December and ran to the 25th day of the same month. This festival is believed to began in the year 217 BC. During this period citizen of Roam were exempted from all crimes committed; as part of the festival they indulged and participated in drunkenness, sexual misconducts, violent behavior etc.

Each Roman District was to appoint an innocent citizen and that citizen, were forced to indulged in drinking of alcohol and physical pleasure for one week, beginning on the 17th of December, then on the 25th December which was the last day of the festival; these so called enemies of Roam were all brutally murdered as a sacrifice. These acts brutality were done to destroy the forces of darkness.

The Greek writer Lucian in documenting an eyewitness account of the activities that occurred on this festival speak of drunk revelers dancing through the street naked as the sing songs, many people were raped (I would imagine men and women) in public as they indulged in many sexual acts that would have otherwise been unlawful.

In the 4th Century the church leaders in their effort to convert the masses of Pagan Roam to Christianity told the pagan Romans who were entrenched in this practice (Saturnalia) they will be able to continue to participate in Saturnalia as Christian. Here we have a situation where Believers in Jesus Christ whose core believed were in Yahweh and his government and in Jesus Christ’s sacrifice for their sin were given the right away to participate in the violation of the Law of Yahweh; the principles for which Jesus died and in the process violate their own dignity and decency as well as that of their fellow citizen. It is important for us to conclude that no man on earth neither an angel in heaven can give another permission to break Yahweh’s laws.

The American Experience:

The puritans of Massachusetts were the only people of the new world to take any meaningful action against Christmas. When the citizen of Massachusetts discovered the origin of Christmas, it became illegal for any citizen of Massachusetts to celebrate Christmas. The anti-Christmas law was enacted in 1659 was the legal instrument that make it unlawful for Christian to celebrate Christmas in that part of the country and it remained illegal for citizens to do so until 1681 when the law was repealed. For twenty two years the citizen of Massachusetts took a stand against Christmas because of it’s pagan back ground and the other pagan practices that is still associated with it.

The Roman’s Church Effort to Sanitized Saturnalia:

Later in an effort to reform the reluctant pagan and to persuade them from participating in Saturnalia; the leaders of the Roman Church (which was the world’s super power of that era), without biblical proof or other documented facts declared that the 25th December the Birthday of Jesus Christ, with the hope observers of Saturnalia would have chosen their love, respect and obedience to Yahweh and Yahweh’s son Jesus Christ thus causing a curbed in their appetite for the taste of the sinful practice of Saturnalia; but it did not.

Apart from perpetrating a verbal fraud; lying about the birth of Christ, the Leaders in the Roman Church tried many things to change the hearts of its congregants from the pagan practice of Saturnalia without success. It was a long and rough road from Saturnalia to what is celebrated today as Christmas.

In 1466 Roman Catholic Church revisited the most deprived customs of Saturnalia; as a substitute for the acts of indecencies to others and self the Jews became victims of this festival. The Pope Paul 11 Forced Jews to raced naked through the streets but not before they were forced to eat and drink to a point of discomfort; this made their naked run not only difficult but comical. This was done to and for the entertainment of Roman citizens who laugh at the nude discomfort of the Jews while mockingly taunted and threw objects at them. Later in the 18-19 Centuries the Jewish leader became the laughing stock of this festival. The Rabbis were forced to ware clownish outfit and while walking through the town citizen would laugh at and mockingly pelt objects at them.

In 1836 The Jewish community wrote a letter of protest to Pope Gregory the 16th asking him to stop the abuse of the Jews which was common around the season of Saturnalia.

The Christmas tree:

It was believed by the Greco-Roman that the Gods themselves transformed into tree and the first human was descended from a tree. It was also widely believed that the tree was magical, it roots extended into the underworld and thus the tree has access to the predominant place of the God’s of the ancestral spirit. They also believed that the branches which reach up to the heaven accessed another realm of great mystery, the predominant place of the goddesses. Birds were believed to be messengers from the gods and the fact that they nested and rear their young in tree were another sign of the holiness of the tree. The trunk of the tree was considered a bridge between the underworld where the predominant spirit of the ancestors dwell and the heaven where the Goddesses dwell.

The worship of trees had an integral part in pagan Roam’s customs, at times the trees that were to be worship were cut and took into their homes, where they were paint and beautifully decorated. This practice was also married into Christianity and was merged as a part of the Christmas tradition and is still practiced today around Saturnalia or Christmas time.

Gift Giving:

In pre-Christian Roam, the emperor of Roam compelled the most despised of the Roman citizens to bring offering and gift around the Saturnalia time. this was later adopted along with the custom of the yearly practice of the cult who followed Bishop Nickolas give gift to children on the 6th December to commemorate the death of Bishop Nicholas’ who was later granted sainthood by the Roman catholic Church.

The conclusion:

Can you in all honesty after knowing the history of Christmas find pleasure in celebrating such defile and wicked festival? Not if you are a believer in Yahweh and a follower of Jesus Christ. Given to the Roman Catholic Church, for the correct price, they can lend acceptance and sanctity to the atrocities of African slavery and Hitler’s holocaust.

Any minister of the Gospel, who tries to encourage the celebration of Christmas by infuse Christ in to dirty pagan celebration: Christmas and in the process cause the followers of the living God to indulges such celebration is no better than the Roman Catholic pries who sells indulgences such as forgiveness etc. or Jeroboam the King of Israel who lead Israel down the slippery path of idolatry for his own personal gratification and gain. As a result of Jeroboam’s selfish action, Israel became a ruin and its people were taken into captivity became slaves to the heathen nations suffering the curse of Jehovah as was outlined in Duet. 28: 16 onward; a curse which Israel endured for many centuries.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

The Plan of Man's Salvation Made Manifested

Christendom is not a city but a movement that was started by Yahweh through his son Jesus Christ. Although Christendom started about three thousand plus years ago, it has its roots even before the world was created. The all knowing God: Elshaddai knew before he created the universe of the fall of his earthly creation: human; he also knew of the betrayal of his chief angel Lucifer, who was later renamed Satan or the Devil. Although Elshaddai knew that his created being would have betray his love, his thrust and misuse the power he entrusted to them; he took his time and with love he created them; he elevated them to the post they held and blessed them with many powers and responsibilities.

When the first human couple turn their backs on their all loving, all powerful Creator, Yahweh was not caught by surprised and took the time to activate the plan which was designed from the foundation of the world. This was the plan of salvation. Elshaddai did not only designed the plan of salvation which was designed to restore us back to our original stature and purpose; he also prepare a place (part of our physical reward) for us and this place was prepared from the time the foundation of the world was laid. This information can be found in Matthew 25: 34,“Then the King will say to those on his right, ‘Come, you who are blessed by my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the creation of the world.

This is how considerate my father Yahweh is; he not only designed the plan that will facilitate man's salvation he had already design and put in place the physical aspect of man reward even before man was made. Yahweh knew what man had to go through, he knew the pain, the suffering, the unnecessary heart aches and shame we had to face. This knowledge broke the heart of the creator; each time a flower die the heart of Yahweh was broken, whenever one of his dumb creatures die his heart broke, but when the consequence of and for sin cause man to experience sorrow, pain and death caused the loving creator unbearable mental pain; he actually feel what we felt and because he is perfect, holy and righteous the pain was/is intensified to a magnitude that we will never understand.

What Yahweh was required to do for the redemption of mankind was asking too much. A being that was infinitely superior to human kind, had to sacrificed his son; to ensure man's redemption and to spear the inhabitants of earth the awful consequences for sins. In speaking of what Jesus Christ the holy son of Yahweh had to go through Isiah said these word in Isiah 52: 3-5; He is despised and rejected of men; a man of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from him; he was despised, and we esteemed him not. 4Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and afflicted. 5But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities: the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are healed.

The above text describes the physical pain and rejection the Son of Yahweh went through in order to secure the salvation of human kind, Jesus had to be demoted to a life form far lower than those who bow before his throne daily in worship to him; and this was done in order to secure man's salvation; however he did this without losing the quality that made him God. he took on the form and lifestyle of the lowest common denominator of creation; and had to dwell in the cesspool that is earth. man will never gain an understanding of the nature of the sacrifice Elshaddai volunteer to make, when he designed the plan of salvation but more so; when that plan was implemented to save man.

Jesus came to earth and suffered the unjust, shameless, agony; that was not fitting for an innocent man, but was administered to a perfect God, at the hands of those whom he came to save. This horrific injustice was perpetrated, while all of heaven and the other un-fallen worlds view the with disbelief how earth inhabitants treated their creator. If given the opportunity, the angel of heaven, would have rescued their creator from the hands of the earth inhabitants; both spirit and human and in the process bring destruction to earth and it inhabitants ending this whole shameful affair.

But unlike Lucifer and his angels and the original inhabitants of the earth, the angels of heaven was obedient to their father's instruction and stood by helplessly, shackled into inactivity by their obedience to their creator; they looking on in disbelief, as the Lord of heaven's Army; the one who care for them, who love them; in whose presence they existed and dwell in eternal bliss; were degraded at the hands of man while he tried to lovingly reconcile man to himself.

The angel of heaven only knew, the action of Yahweh; translate into love, but the could not and still cannot comprehend the magnitude of this love that the living God: Elshaddai, have for such beings, beings that knows not gratitude. If the angels who were made higher than us do not understand the level, the nature; the origin and the intensity of the love Yahweh has dedicated to us humans; it is useless that human try to understand such love. What we as recipient of such incomprehensible love can do, is to express our gratitude to Yahweh, by being wholly obedient to his will and by unconditionally; offering our frail, broken and sin corrupted love to him. This will be a sign of our appreciation, for all he had done for us and for loving us so immensely; that he offered all that he was, all that he had and all that he loved to express is love for us. 

1 Timothy 2: 5-6; For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus; 6Who gave himself a ransom for all, to be testified in due time.