Monday, April 13, 2009

The Purpose Jehovah Created Man.

In the beginning Jehovah created the heaven and the earth, and all that is in them. Later we were taught that man submitted to the influence of the devil/Satan who was once Lucifer: the most powerful created being in all of the heavens. As we all are aware, Lucifer had a desire to take Jesus lofty and priestly position, he wanted to be worshiped. However it is only natural for the creatures to show gratitude and be thankful to their creator. Nevertheless in this case the creature wanted to be ranked or to be on par with the creators. In other words, the help wanted the Royal King to banished his royal lineage to a life of peasant-hood and elevate the peasant to the caliber of Royalty and kingliness. How could disorder replace order?

It was bad enough that Lucifer was harboring such thoughts of covetousness in his heart, it was worst that he seized the opportunity to persuade those he was given leadership over to conspire against Jehovah and his government. As if to corrupt one-self and others were not bad enough; but to lead a charge in an effort to make his forbidden desires a reality, was taking it too far.

What was even worst was the fact that Lucifer fabricated stories that caused the heavenly host to question Jehovah’s character. Lucifer cause the other being in heaven to question Jehovah’s love for his created beings, too questioned the integrity of Jehovah’s Government and persuaded those he were given charge over, that he (Lucifer) would administer the affairs of heaven even better than the creator himself.

The fact that one third (1/3) of the heavenly host rise up in revolt against their righteous father and their holy creator; who ensure that they dwell in an environment of eternal bliss; speak volume, of the sway Lucifer had as well as the convincing power he possessed and use over the other heavenly creatures, against the one who made him and set him up in his superior heavenly position. Lucifer did not do anything to merit the position that was bestow upon him; none of the angel did anything to deserve the place they held or currently occupies in heaven, standing in the presence and awesome beauty of their creator. Only the creator has and owns the right to occupy heaven. For every created being that had or has a place in heaven, it was/is a privilege.

Now the biggest question that has been troubling the Christian Community is: If Jehovah knew that man was going to sin before he created him, why did he go ahead and created man? Another question that is often asked is: Why didn’t Jehovah destroy the two original Human after they had sinned and create two others human that would not have sin?

Today these questions troubled us because we have become too important for our own good. We have become so self observed that we cannot or do not want to face the reality of why we were created. We must always remember that the creation of human kind was never about man; it was, and always is and forever will be about Jehovah, the Creator of the entire universe. We were created for his pleasure and man had no say about it.

Think about it this way; we have acquirer many positions/things and we use them as we see fit, more specific, we use them for our convenience, comfort, pleasure etc. We acquirer other living creatures and we treat them as we please and the feelings of these creatures are hardly taken into consideration. We imposes our way of life and way of doing things upon these creatures; we force them to adapt to strange habitat, introduced them to foreign diet, impose human desires and treatment on them, we dress animals that were clothed by nature in human apparel etc. because we think it is cute. For us it is ok; how much more so, it is ok for the one who was responsible for the concept, design and creation of the human from nothing, to determine out use and purpose.

What is most important is the fact that Jehovah has never and will never do anything to any of his created being that was not good for them. Jehovah develops an infinite love for all he was responsible for creating. He gives all of his creators laws by which we/they are expected to live if we ought to reside within the perimeter of his grace and love.

It is important to Jehovah that his creatures love, adore and worship him, not because they have to; but because they want and choose to and they will find joy unspeakable doing so. He gives us good reason to be loyal to him. Loyalty to Jehovah has its rewards, and benefits, we must also remember that disloyalty also has its consequences. The free will Jehovah gives unto us is what makes it pleasurable when we worship him. No other type of worship will be accepted by him.

I believe the primary purpose Jehovah created man was to help Jehovah in the vindication of his character. The devil cause doubt to be cast on the perfect character of Jehovah; Jehovah needed the help of his human creatures to dispel the lies that Lucifer had propagate against Christ and in turn unveil the true character of the once highest ranking created being in heaven: Lucifer.

Jehovah chose man for such an esteem assignment; an assignment every angel would have volunteered for: an assignment that would prove to be a very difficult one. Jehovah was not asking his chosen creature to do anything he himself was not willing to do for his creatures and for himself. Hence this was the reason Jehovah incarnate was manifested in Jesus. He left his perfect home in heaven, where he was the center of every created being worship, adoration and praise. And came to earth to show solidarity and love to his human creatures, and to ensure that all doubt was removed as it relates to his character, his love and the purpose of his government.

As proof that Jehovah was not asking his created human family to do anything he was not willing to do himself, Jehovah came to earth as a man, he was exposed to, suffered and experienced every pain, heartaches, stress, injustice, discrimination etc. that man is/was exposed to and have suffered. The immortal one even suffered the death of the common mortal man.

Each time Satan invoked the power, talents, and or the gifts that was bestowed on him by Jehovah, to cause an individual to violate Jehovah laws or to sin against the holy creator, he (the devil) expose to the other un-fallen being how evil he really is; but when Satan used his power against Jehovah: his creator and the one who blessed him with life, power, and beauty. The one whom the other un-fallen being love, respected, worships and adore. he caused a greater amplification of Jehovah’s love to be revealed to this world, and the other un-fallen beings. The devil and his angels also got a first hand view of the magnitude of the love the creator had for all of his created beings: even them, the fallen. Philippians 2:10-11 when the bible said that ever knees shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus is lord. This text speak of creatures in heaven, creatures in earth and creatures under the earth, shall bowing before Jehovah and proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord of all. This includes every fallen angel and the big evil demon: Satan,the once Lucifer the Devil himself. Can you picture this?

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