Friday, April 19, 2013

Yahweh's desire for you

Did you know that Yahweh love every one of the creatures in nature so much that he pays particular and detail attention to each one of them. The awesome Creator Yahweh ensure the most insignificant of creature is fed and protected every day and every minute of the day. A leaf do not fall from a tree unless Yahweh instructs it to do so.
Look at that tree any tree, now look on the ground, choose one leaf, Yes Yahweh knew where that leaf is, and when it fell from the tree. Now think of a forest and the trillions of trillions of leaves on the forest floor and he knows about each of them.
Did you know that Yahweh loves you more than all of nature combined? Do you know that Yahweh has an overwhelming desire to do for you much more than you desire for yourself. He want to make you happy and; contented, he want to provide for your every need, fulfill your dearest fantasies, make manifest your hearts desires, but you have got to allow him to do it, and do it his way. Our input will only get in the way and mess things up. That is love.

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