Wednesday, March 26, 2008

The Spiritual effects of Abortion

The Spiritual Effects Of Abortion
Allan H. F Palmer
the undermentioned was taken from the book "The Beginning" 'Getting the best from your relationship' By Allan H.F Palmer
Many of us go into abortion very lightly. Not knowing the spiritual effects and consequences that such has on our lives and on the mother’s womb. You will be surprised of the spiritual warfare that is waged for control of the womb.

The bible declared that when Adam sinned, he gave up the realms of this earth to the devil. Hence this earth became overly populated with the devil and his agents. Because of the multitude of the devil’s agents that is here fighting for the soul of mankind, God has designed a full proof plan to ensure that all of God’s children make it into heaven and are able to resist the devil when he comes knocking.

This was so designed to ensure that no negative influence corrupts the mind of the child whilst in the womb. The womb is supposed to be a place where life flourishes freely. Here God’s angels are always on guard, to fight off all elements of corruption that may seek to sway the child from him. His angels has unlimited access to the unborn mind to instill into that mind what is God’s plan for his or her life. Here the child is influenced in favor to the things of God.

When there is a death in the womb, the womb is immediately transferred, into a place of death, a sepulcher; from a place where God’s angel have free access to the mind of the unborn child, to a place where they have great difficulty threading. With this new transformation, the womb becomes a place where the devils and his demons inhabit and flourish freely; they are now granted free access to the unborn child. Here they influence the mind of the unborn child for the things of and for the working of the devil.

When we are called upon by the devil to reject the life that was implanted in the womb by God, He (the devil) always seems to make our conditions to be far worst than they really are. He uses lies to discourage us from trusting in God’s grace. Hence when he shows us an overly illuminated picture of our conditions, we become discouraged. But we must always remember that God’s love will never takes us to a place where his Grace cannot see us through. By going onto the abortion table, and rejecting the life God had implanted in the womb, we are saying to our heavenly father; Lord we no longer want you to rule over our womb, we have now rededicated this womb to the honor and glory of Satan. By my act of murdering this unborn child, I am therefore handing over my womb to the honor and glory of Satan.

Any child that is born to that mother after an abortion, (unless that womb was re-sanctified to God) will be deprived of the influence of God’s righteous being, but will be exposed to the evil influences of the devil’s angels. Here the unborn child is taught the art of wickedness and evil practices. Although the child when born will appear to be as one of God’s innocent creatures; the difference will be the negative influence that had already been imparted on their minds by the evil being that now inhabits the womb. Now whenever the devil’s angels taunts these people to fulfill their evil bidding. These individuals will be lead to perform all manner of gruesome and evil acts without remorse.

What was suppose to be a place of light where God’s heavenly angels may impart positive and uplifting influences on the mind of the child; with one act of an abortion, they immediately transform the sanctity of the womb, from a place where life flourishes to a place of death and evil influences.

I can bet that if you carryout a study on the mothers of children who have carried out gruesome acts of murders, you will discover that the mothers of those children, would have had an abortion before that child was born.


It is very important that pregnant mothers be very careful during their pregnancy. Miscarriages also turn the womb into a sepulcher. If the miscarriage was self-induced then it is as if it was an abortion, and it carries the same weight as going onto the abortionist table.

If the miscarriage was accidental:

Every death in the womb turns the womb into a sepulcher. But the only difference is, the mother did not, of her own free will rededicate that womb to the glory of Satan. The transformation was accidental. Here the angels are obligated to enter into the womb that has now been transferred into a repulsive place to do battle over that soul. Here the unborn child is bombarded with influences of Good and evil, in a fierce bottle for the soul of that child.

Most children of parents, whose mothers may have suffered an accidental miscarriage before they were born, are always in a fierce battle between right or wrong. Very often they become confused and turn to Drug, alcohol or revert to some extreme self destructive lifestyle. They are never allowed to go to the extreme in hurting others, but instead they turn inwards and inflect that hurt on them self. At times the battles for their souls are so fierce that it leads them to insanity. This is so because God’s angels refuse to allow one of God’s innocent children to be forever lost. They will do everything in their power to ensure that all of God children are saved in God’s Kingdom.

There is Hope

All is not lost. The Lord has showed me, that if one that has been guilty of murdering an unborn child or may have suffered an accidental miscarriage there is an opportunity for you to rededicate your womb to the honor and glory of God. We must find a servant of the lord, and tell that person of your concerns and then we along with the servant of the lord should sincerely pray for the cleansing of the womb. When we openly speak of our hidden sins it shows sincere open confession. It also shows that you are sincerely coming to God and with a contrite heart, confessing the sins of abortion to him. Hence when we asked God to cleanse their womb, he will. This in itself is a symbolic act of rededicating that womb to the honor and glory of God. This will cause holy hand to clean that womb and to drive out any evil influence that may have taken up refuge there. After which the holy angels of God will once again have unfettered access to that womb for the honor and glory of God for the positive influencing of the child for God.


Prophetess Jackson said...

this was very powerful, thought provoking, just a well of information. I thank God for you. Keep inhancing the kingdom of Heaven with this breakthru knowledge. its more than just sign hanging for bridges, and standing on the corners, its spiritual also it destroys opportunity, relationship,purpose,potential and Ministry. Keep up the Great word.
in His Service prophetess Jackson.

Anonymous said...

this reminds me of orthodox christians that burned women because of believeng that they are witches. or islamic people that kill in the name of God. educate yourself man. open your eyes and mind.
''I can bet that if you carryout a study on the mothers of children who have carried out gruesome acts of murders, you will discover that the mothers of those children, would have had an abortion before that child was born.''
why didnt YOU make that study and than say these things?
shame on you.

Anonymous said...

I sadly have committed this shameful act of abortion . at first I thought all was well but the spiritual effects have been disastrous .There has been this spirit that tormrnts me to have sex with it every night . I pary to fight it off sometimes i am successful sometimes I am not. i have seen this spirit holding my unborn child in the middle of the night . I have been fasting but sadly to no avail . i also have my boyfirend who knows about the abortion but i am afraid I wont be able to be the wife that he wants . I am afraid to tell my pastor as he is well connected with my family .I fear that my life is doomed and have been suicidal at times .Please pray for meand the other women like me .

Anonymous said...

I too have been guilty. Though my selfish act was over 20 years ago, there have been many spiritual attacks but Great bouts of spiritual victory as my God's grace is sufficient. People can argue against the stance to be for or against but no one can argue against a changed life. Abortion changed my life. But God has restored through forgiveness and purpose for what the enemy meant for harm God uses for His good. I pray the young lady who posted in August has discovered her internal healing. This is what the Lord desires for each of us. We overcome by the blood of the lamb and the word of our testimony. Not proud of those choices. But grateful that Jesus chooses us in spite of us..

Anonymous said...

I read this out of curiosity, I have seen friends @ family suffer from abortions but I think its self abuse for the act. What about young women who know their going to have a deformed child or its rape or incest @ their willing to give theirselves abortions, those are the strongest cases I believe its ok to abort, I'm sorry but the child will suffer worse in the world! The baby belongs to god not satan @ if its aborted the soul automatically goes back to god, its complexed @ its not something to evaluate quickly its a life long process for that mother, self destruct after they abort will not help that lil babys soul! That's my thoughts though! Peace to y'all..

Anonymous said...

Search for special prayers that will free you and the spirit of the unborn child which stays with you
for many years. Try Tybro.Com.

Unknown said...

Is it possible for God to give one the gift to see and tell others the future to the point of telling them the date they will die on this earth. Plz help me out cos I know a pastor who does that

Allan H F Policing said...

Sorry, but I have not been up dating this blog because I have been blocked out. However I will let you know that, I will be out of place to speak for Yahweh when he have not given me a word about this.

I will say this the word said that: By your fruits you will know them. When we find our self questioning a person credibility, there may be good reason for questioning. Now what I will encourage you to do is to, first make sure that your questioning is not motivated by any un holy passion; then you genuinely ask Yahweh to guide you with wisdom to show you the fruits. and he Yahweh will guide us with wisdom.

You know the person, you have access to his fruits, examine those fruits being guided by the almighty God Yahweh.

Unknown said...

There is natural stress involved in having an
unplanned pregnancy and abortion, but it comes from the situation you find yourself in, not from the abortion itself, and would be there whether you had an abortion or not.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

No abortion method is completely safe and sound. Abortion by suction runs the risk of infection, perforation of the uterus, and hemorrhage if an abdominal organ is wounded. Read more :

Unknown said...

Abortion is not really about fetuses. It’s about women – what’s at stake in the abortion issue above all is women’s rights, lives, health, freedom, and dignity. Know more:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing about effects of abortion

Unknown said...

Awesome. So, this basically states that an abortion has spiritual repercussions ? Death spirits included? Sicknesses too?

Unknown said...

Oh my understanding so much more why things happening. How then do we pray over the child born after a miscarriage

Anonymous said...

Seven demons enter a woman who has an abortion...who has the book that explains this ? 862-888-4066

Anonymous said...

The book that explains this was available prior to 1988 for sure..dont know if available after..its a study of 100 women who had abortions..862-888-4066 cover was light grey with brush stroke in white of female figure in dress with a- line skirt .

Anonymous said...

I too did the shameful act of abortion and I wish someone had talked me out of it. I ignored the spirits for many years and really did not know what it was. My mom would beat me so bad when I was a child. And she took me out of church when I had just begun to understand who God was. I had started looking for exceptance everywhere and could not find it. I met this guy when I was in my late teens. He was so cool I thought he had a corvette and owned his own business. Next thing I know I was pregnant. Then I find out he was married. It gets worse he had given me VD. I was in such bad shape and could not take anything for it. So then I made a really bad choice a choice that gave me a life of demons and lonliness. I fineally found God a few years ago. The spiritul warefare is awful. I would like to see abortion done away with if I could save one child and one woman from a life of torment I would.