Monday, December 14, 2009

Why Is Jehovah Not Answering My Prayers?

Are you a single man or woman who have been praying for a faithful spouse and it seems as if Jehovah is not answering your prayers? Are you a married person who want a child yet nothing is working in your favor? Are you an individual who is living from pay check to pay check; one who just cannot seems to get out of debt? Or have your personal burden or desire been a problem for some time now? Have you been praying long and hard for the desires of your heart yet the object of your prayer seems to evade you. Are you on Jehovah’s list of person to ignore?

Have your situation force you to ask, why Jehovah is not answering my prayers? Can you honestly say that you are living according to Jehovah's expectation and you are experiencing a Job situation? Well, I have good news for you, the type of news that the conventional preachers are not honest enough to tell you, the type of news that will guarantee your prayers will be answered ASAP, the type of news that will relief you of your stress and relief you of all your care.

It is important for us to know that among all of the unfathomable qualities that make up Jehovah character, two of these qualities come into play when he (Jehovah) is dealing with man in his sinful condition. These two qualities are: his Justice and his righteousness; in other words, Jehovah is a Just and a righteous God. How is the fact, that Jehovah is a righteous and a Just God preventing me from having my prayer answered and denying me of the desires of my heart?

Let us get to the core of the matter, we will begin by explaining who Jehovah is and how his qualities of righteousness and Justice affect each of us. It is important to know that Jehovah is the creator of every thing that exist and he is the one that is responsible for the function and sustenance of everything that exist.

How does Jehovah's quality of righteousness and Justice affects me?

The Bible said God is not mocked for whatsoever a man sow that to shall he also reap. This is true because of Jehovah’s righteousness and his Justice. Ezekiel speak of the judgement, which will come upon those who fail to walk in Jehovah's will. If Jehovah is willing to punish those who do evil and live in rebellion to his will then Justice demands that he with the same vigor reward those who are faithful to him.

We have been speaking about Justice but what is Justice?

Justice is the impartial treatment of another; in other words, it is giving a person that which he deserved. Because Jehovah is perfect in the dispensation of Justice, he cannot withhold from you, what you deserved. Righteous simple means, doing that which is right; it means nothing more or nothing less. Similarly, because Jesus is a righteous and a just God and because he is perfect in his righteousness and his Justice; there are somethings that he cannot do. Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ cannot withhold from you that which you deserve, be it punishment or reward and in the same manner he cannot give to you that which you do not deserve. It is as simple as that.

Although the forgoing is true; however, there is a conditional exception. The death of Jesus Christ give us the rights to escape the eternal death which each of us deserve. but because of Jesus' death; we can now claim this rights under the condition that we love the lord Jesus and Jehovah with all of our might, heart and soul and we are ready to allow his love to lead us into total obedience to him.

Let me without reservation declare that Jehovah is eagerly waiting to bless us. Psalms 84: 11 clearly states that: "No good thing will he (Jehovah) withhold from those that love him;" however, the reason Jehovah is unable to answer our prayers and the reason we have not received the desire of your heart even though you have been praying without ceasing for that thing, or even though you go to church, or serve the church and have been preaching the gospel, it is because our love and our faithful to and in Jehovah is not seen, heard and felt. Everyone knows that love must be consistently demonstrated and if love cannot be seen, felt and heard it does not exist.

The good thing is, we know when we are not faithful to Jehovah; we may fool others when we play church, pretend to be faithful or shake the pulpit in the name of Jesus in whatever capacity we do such in but our love and faithfulness must be seen, heard and felt. In most cases we were faithful to the church, a religion, a pastor, to our spouse, children, our family, to money, material things etc but not to Jehovah. When Jehovah is unable to answer our prayers and grant us the desire of our hearts it is because we are not faithful to him.

When you are faithful to Jehovah, there is only one answer he provides and that answer is yes. No is never an answer, for righteousness and Justice requires that Jehovah satisfies the desires of our hearts immediately. for Justice delayed is justice denied.

Let us take for example the father of the faithful Abraham, Jehovah called Abraham and instructed him to leave the land of his father when he was 75 years old, at this point Abraham was married but childless. One of Jehovah’s promises to Abraham was that he will be the father of a great nation and this promise meant a lot to Abraham. However the righteousness and the Justice of Jehovah prevented Jehovah from fulfilling his promised to Abraham, until Abraham was truly faithful to him.

Abraham fail to demonstrate his faithfulness to and in Jehovah when he choose to break Jehovah’s law by violating the eighth commandment. In Gen. 12: 12-16 he encouraged his wife Sarah and his younger more impressionable nephew Lot to violate Jehovah’s law. In doing so Abraham forfeited the opportunity to be a witness for Jehovah but rather he misrepresented Jehovah when he lie to the princes of Pharaoh and to Pharaoh the King of Egypt and in the process disowned his wife and his marital status.

Was this a one time situation or was Abraham a habitual liar. I will like to submit to you that Abraham was a habitual liar. It is one thing to lie to an individual but it takes a certain degree of dishonesty to include others in that lie. Another criterion that tells the quality of liar a person is, the level of persuasion with which that lie is delivered/told; the level of truthfulness with which that lie is delivered and the third criterion is the level of the authority we are willing to tie to.

Here we see that Abraham not only lie but he coached his wife and nephew until they were able to deliver that lie with such a level of truthfulness that they deceived the princes of Egypt and the King himself. I do not have to tell you how hard it is to deceive such category of people. These people did not get into the positions by being naive.

Abraham and his wife were such liars that in Gen.18: 12-15 when Jehovah’s messengers declared the fertility of Sarah’s womb she laugh and mumbled to herself, unfortunately for her, her reaction were not as concealed as she wanted it to be. When Jehovah’s messenger confronted Sarah about her behavior, her first response was to lie to them and by doing so she declare the messengers of Jehovah liars.

Then the father of the faithful when he was about eighty five years old he voluntary broke the Six commandment when he adhere to the foolish counsel of his wife and had sexual intercourse with Hagar his Egyptian slave. Does it make sense to violate Jehovah’s will to fulfill his will for your life? To do such is not only comical it is foolish. Was it a situation where Abraham went into Hagar one time and on that one occasion she conceived? Although this is possible it is highly unlikely. So it may be safe for us to conclude that Abraham have been knowingly defy Jehovah’s law and authority by committing adultery over a period of time. Abraham’s sexual indulgence with Hagar was so regular that she was seen and recorded as his wife. Ishmael was the fruit of that unholy union.

It is important for us to understand that Jehovah did not allow the day to day experiences of any of the prophet’s life, to be recorded in the bible; he allowed only the significant events that can be teaching moments for future generations to be recorded in the holy book. This was so even with his only begotten son Jesus Christ the sinless one. So we can conclude that the countless events of Abraham’s indiscretions were omitted for such would not have been of value to our salvation.

Then in Genesis chapter 20 1-4 a few years later Abraham in his old age moved to Ge’rar to sojourned or to lived there. Once again, Abraham made the calculated decision to lie to A-bim‘e-lech the King of Ge’rar and to his entire kingdom. In order for Abraham’s lie to have worked, he not only had to convinced Sarah’s to skillfully participate in the lie, he had to convinced the other members of his house to participate also. Abraham had to request or instruct his hired servants, his slaves, his slave wife Hagar and his illegitimate son Ishmael to lie to A-bim‘e-lech and his people. Here Abraham squandered another perfect opportunity to witness for and of Jehovah and his awesome power to provide and to protect his people.

It took Abraham twenty five years to mature to the point where Jehovah could actually bless him and thus bringing to pass the promise. This significant event was marked by Jehovah declaring to Abraham the fulfillment of the covenant between Jehovah and Abraham and he mark such a worthy event by changing Abraham’s name from Abram to Abraham, which: means the father of many nation.

So it is only when Abram put his total trust in and became consistently faithful to Jehovah that he received his blessing and that which Jehovah had promise to him. It is the same with us; Jehovah can only bless us base on the level of our faithfulness to him. The quality of our life is a testimony of our faithfulness to Jehovah.

1. Are you satisfied with the quality of your life?

2. Are you living a victorious life?

3. How does the people in your community see you, are you the head and not the tail?

4. Have you been receiving Jehovah’s unhindered blessings?

5. Is your cup full and over flowing?

6. Are you the one to provide help to others or are you the one who is looking for help?

You will be able to answer these questions in the affirmative when you are totally faithful to Jehovah.Until then, know that, you have your destiny in your hands and such destiny is linked to your faithfulness to Jehovah.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Baptism In Bermuda SDA Churches

Above: Discussion of Restoration Ministries SDA Church BDA

Below: Bamtism Service of St. Georges & St. David's SDA Church BDA

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Is the Church A Religion, A Place of Worship or Neither?

Many people after reading the bible, have come across many illustrative passages and have decide to take the said passages literal. Unfortunately these passages were design to simplify a concept so that the simplest of minds reading and or who hear its content will immediately understand the lesson Jehovah intended the hearers and readers to learn.

We saw a practical example of this practice, when Jesus the Christ conducted his ministry on earth. He delivered the messages of his father and he did so in a simplified manner using parables to develop and make his point. In taking this approach he avoided the confusion his hearers may have experienced if he did otherwise; he also avoid the confusion that goes along with the interpretation of spoken or written words. In Jesus’ case, nothing was left for or to interpretation, for he gave the parables and then he offered the interpretation or explanation. He paid special attention in keeping everything simple and in its context. Jesus Christ did not leave nothing to chance, he took every measure to ensure that his presence on earth, his assignment as a man, his preaching, his entire life will not leave any question in the minds of his followers and in the process silence his adversaries.

The Bible has many illustrative writing that ought not to be taken literal; they were given in that manner to ensure that all will understand Jehovah intended messages and learn of his expectation, his promise, his future plans, and his love for us all.

One such concept is the Church. In Revelation the bible make mention of the church in several situation and conditions and in doing so speak of the pure church, which is depicted as a virgin, who is "a bride adorn for her husband:" King Jesus. There is also the impure church, which is depicted as the harlot, one that defiled herself with impure wine and whose husband is the Dragon: the Devil. This piece of illustrative writing was intended to show Jehovah’s people that the Devil in his desire to be Jehovah and to take his place will be imitating everything Jehovah have design for his (Jehovah) glory and the salvation of his children; all in an effort to trick us into disloyalty to Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ.

To form the basis of this discussion I must ask these questions; is there a difference between religion and church? Is the place of worship a church?

These are some other question we must also answer.

  • Is the synagogue a church?
  • Is the Muslim mosque a church?
  • Is the Buddha’s temple a church?
  • Is the Christian place of worship a church?

My answer to these questions are going to anger many in the Christian community. there is one answer to all of the above question, and it is; no. None of the above examples are churches. Will Jehovah allow selfish, corrupt man to build or care for his church. The church the Creator, creates will be perfect in every way; in its leadership (Jesus the resurrected Savior), its composition (The saints who had been wash in the blood and declare worthy), in its teaching and in its actions (Total unconditional love for the triune God).

The Church has Jesus at its head, and those who make up the church are those who are wash in the blood of Jesus Christ and are a part of the redeemed. Not those who have declared themselves washed in the blood and with their mouths say they are redeemed. In the church there is no pretence, in the church there is no hypocrisy, in the church there is no back biting, hate etc. all of the behaviors that exist in religion. Ephesians 5: 27 States: He give his life for the people so that they will be presented to himself a glorious church, (group) not having spots or wrinkle, or any such thing but it should be Holy and without blemish. Can we in all honesty say that any of the religion that calls themselves Jehovah’s church possesses these qualities? NO. The church will be consist of people who love the lord Jehovah with all of their heart, their mind, and their soul, and they that love their neighbors, (their brothers their sisters) as themselves. Not those who Just say they love Jehovah but those who have proven their love for and of Jehovah by their though, conviction and action and who have so demonstrated their love for their neighbors. We must always remember that love must be tested. These privileged multitude will have the honor of hearing Jehovah declared to them; well done my good and faithful child/children, enter into the joy of my rest.

Let us not be mistaken, I have nothing against religion, for religion is important to man’s salvation. Religion is the tool that equips us for the Church. Religion gives us an understanding of who our creator is; it teaches us what Jehovah expects of us, and what we should expect of him, it also teaches us of the pass and equips us for the future. We must not forget that religion is organized by man, on Jehovah’s behalf base on his (man's) understanding and interpretation of Jehovah’s word.

We must not forget that the free will, which is a gift from Jehovah to man, is the quality that characterizes man, and have been responsible for man’s downfall. This all important quality along with our tendencies to be selfish, greedy, wicked etc. as well as our rebellious tendencies which leads us to desire the things that are not good for us and the things that are not ordained by Jehovah. Too often we ignore Jehovah’s leading and Jehovah’s voice (conscience, Holy Spirit leading and biblical instruction) in our passion to satisfy our defile desires. Even Paul the patriot confessed that the things he want to do I do not.

Religious leaders in their effort to gain followers and accumulate money, adopts a critical attitude, and thus they run around criticizing other religions, whilst declaring themselves the true church. They cast judgment on others because they worship different than they do, neglecting the words of the master in Matthew 7: 1; Judge not that you be not judge for with what Judgment you judge, you shall be judge; while they hold on to text such as: by their fruits you will know them, not taking into consideration that very often a man's action may appear to be bad or wrong but his purpose and his motive for doing such may be in keeping with Jehovah's wishes. Matthew 7:1, went on to advise us to first take the beam out of our eyes before taking the mole out of our brother’s eyes. Yet we sit in Judgment of others not knowing their understanding of Jehovah; we criticized them, not knowing their conviction; we condemn them, not knowing the content of their hearts, we damned them, not knowing their relationship with Jehovah and we show our disapproval of them not knowing the debt of their love for their creator. We do all these things to others forgetting Phil 2: 12 admonishes us to workout our own salvation with fear and trembling. We must allow other person do the same.

We as Christian has only one responsibility to others and that is; to preach Jehovah’s words fearlessly base on our understanding and conviction (it is the Holy Spirit that nurtures our understanding and conviction); and when we meet people who are preaching what we think is contrary to the word of Jehovah, we must in love, and with Holy Spirit guidance, explain to them and anyone present what we believe and why we believe such then we ought to move on, leaving the rest to the Holy Spirit. We tend to show how Un-Christ like we are when we are confronted with people who believe different from us.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Should Jehovah’s Faithful Children Expect to Prosper Whilst on Earth?

Is prosperity one of the rewards of man’s faithfulness to Jehovah? This is a question that every faithful servant of Jehovah can answer without any problem. However in this old corrupt world where pretense takes precedence many people are looking at the lives of people who are supposable Jehovah’s faithful children who are struggling to survive and are unable to make ends meet. But the question we must ask ourselves is, to whom or to what are they faithful? It is an important fact that most of Jehovah’s professed people are more dedicated to their family, friend, occupation, bosses and even their spouse than they are to the almighty God of the universe: Jehovah, thus they rewards Jehovah's goodness, love and faithfulness towards them/us with ingratitude.

Many people want the rewards of the faithful without the commitment and obedience that ought to accompany such. Our “I want it now” world; have driven us into a life of pretense. Many people rather alter the meaning of Jehovah holy words than to confess their disobedience; they rather call the “I AM” a liar than to admit that they are struggling with certain issues. In our effort to make a good impression our Christian lives becomes a big game of pretence a facade. Those who refused to confesses that they are not totally faithful to Jehovah and are not being blessed as they ought to; are often unfaithful and in their pretense gives new meaning to words such as prosperity. The word prosperity means to increase in wealth, riches, affluence and success. Prosperity in no way means good health you can be healthy but not prosperous. Jehovah know the difference between prosperity and good health. Hence the reason John made it clare when he said in 3rd-John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that thou mayest prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospereth.

Jesus himself told his children in: Mark 10: 29-30 “and Jesus answered and said, 29: “I say unto you, there is no man that has left house, or brethren, or sisters of father or mother, or wife or children, or land for my sake of the gospel’s.

30: But he shall receive a hundred fold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sister and mother, and land with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life. In the text above we see Jesus giving his children the prescription for Earthly prosperity.

Jesus the Son of the living God, have tell us as long as we are faithful to him and his Gospel we will be given the privilege to accumulate earthly riches, not just get things, we will get them 100 times what he had or forsake for his sake. In other words there must not be anything standing between the giver of everything and us. To often we allow the gift to become a partition; separating us from the giver. We fail to understand that he who gave good gift, can at any time take away that gift (be it mother, father, spouse, finances, property etc.)

The kind of loyalty Jehovah loves and take pleasure in rewarding the loyalty that moves us to put him before everything and everyone. He declared in Matthew 6: 33

Seek ye first the kingdom of Jehovah and all his righteousness; and all these things will be added unto you.

Let us take a good look at a few prominent men who consciously chosen to seek and put Jehovah first in and over all things and every human, as a results Jehovah blessed and prospered them. They are Job, Abraham, Joseph, etc. all of these men increase in riches/wealth, affluence and success. If your prosperity is from Jehovah then you will increase in all of the above not just riches, for there is no prosperity without affluent or success. If your prosperity is from Jehovah you will increase in wealth, affluence and success.

How is it with Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ? What happens when we are faithful to Jehovah, when we love and obey his words; not because we have to, feel we should or out of feelings of guilt; but because we want to? The best type of obedience comes from a heart of love.

King David said that he was young but now he is old; yet he have never seen the righteous forsaken not Jehovah’s seed begging bread. Jehovah said that his people should be the head and not the tail. How can you truly represent Jehovah if you are waddling in poverty?

We are to reflect Jehovah’s love in the way we treat others, we should reflect:

  • Jehovah forgiveness when we forgive those who do us wrong, say bad things about us, who cause our relationships to break up and who were unfaithful to us.
  • we must reflect Jehovah Compassion when we are touch by the need and pain of others but more so when we are moved to relief such pain and satisfy the needs.

  • We must show that Jehovah is faithful to his words by being faithful to our words.
  • We must be able to show that our father is the owner of the entire universe and the cattle on a thousand hills belong to him. By being able to satisfy the physical need of those who are suffering around us.

How can I serve such a great God, who is extremely rich in that, he owns the entire universe and all that is in it, he is so loving, that he offered himself to die in my place, one who is so forgiving that he forgive the wicked things I did/do to him and against him. He forgives me each time I willfully participate in his crucifixion anew. Will such merciful, loving and faithful father allow his obedient, faithful children to exist in poverty?

I answering this question I say NO!

Matthew 7:10- What man there is of you whom if his son asks you for bread will give him a stone.

10: or if he ask for a fish will give him a serpent.

11: if ye then being evil know how to give good gift unto your children how much more shall your heavenly father which is in heaven give good things to those who asked him?

We must remember 2-Peter 3: 9 “Jehovah is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; but is long-suffering to us-ward, not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.”

Jehovah’s primary goal is for us all to repent for our sins and if we are faithful he will ensure that we all are rewarded for our faithfulness; here on earth and as well as when he return. The scripture said: For Jehovah is not slack concerning his promises, he doesn’t take his words lightly, he dose what so ever he say he will do. Did you notice that all of Jehovah and Jesus’ promises has a condition attached to them? Jehovah was the inventor and the first to use the reinforcement therapy. Here we see the concept of positive reinforcement coming in to play as outlined in his promises and covenants.

All through Jehovah’s word he show us that unconditional obedience to him has its rewards the primary of which is the privilege to live and reign with him in the earth made new, however he also promise to protect us and to prosper us. Let us take a look at what I consider and call the comprehensive Psalms which is Psalms 1: “Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners not sitteth in the seat of the scornful.

2. But his delight is in the law if the lord and in his law doth he meditate day and night.

3. And he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of many water, that bringeth forth his fruit in his season; his leaf also shall not wither and what so ever he doeth shall prosper.”

Here we see one of the rewards for obedience to Jehovah is: earthly prosperity. Here we can see the parallels in the points and they all point to being blessed with wealth.

David who Jesus call a man after his own heart, in counseling his son Salomon; he did not fail to remind him of the words Jehovah give to Moses 2-Kings “and keep the charge of the LORD thy God, to walk in his ways, to keep his statutes, and his commandments, and his judgments, and his testimonies, as it is written in the law of Moses, that thou mayest prosper in all that thou doest, and whithersoever thou turnest thyself.

There are many reasons why we should be faithful to Jehovah the least of which is personal prosperity. But we must be willing to love Jehovah first because he loved us even before he created us, he loved us even when we rebelled from him and came to die in Calvary’s cross to redeemed us from the hand of the devil, and he provides for use each day.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

The Christian Church: A Refuge Or A Place Of Ridicule

During Slavery we have seen the black man or the black male slaves taking control of his family in an effort to gain their freedom; and for their fearless and courageous actions they suffered much. The black male (slave) suffered beatings, amputation of body parts, castrations or the removal of their male genitals, executions, daily whippings, their wives and children were raped in their presence, they were separated from their families and they were (buggered) rapes by their white masters and his other white workers. All these atrocities and other disgusting inhumane actions were inflicted on the black male by his white owners in an effort break or emasculate him: rendering him weak and powerless.

This era was a dangerous era for the black family, more so for the black male and because of the danger that was present during this difficult era the black woman look to the black man for leadership, strength, support, protection, wisdom etc. In this era the black male held a prominent place in his home, for it was the black man who poses a threat to his oppressor; the white oppressor had no fear of the Negro woman, for she was of no real threat to him and his evil system, however the very though of the Negro male send shivers of fear down their spine.

In the post emancipation era, there was a reemergence of the strong black male. The strong black man took the forefront in leading his family, and this once again strike terror into the hearts of his white oppressors who were also the land holders, the chief employers, policy and law makers as well as the law enforcers. Once again it was their plan to emasculate the black male, however due to the changes that was made in the laws to accommodate emancipation and the awakening of many white consciences; the old tactics that were used during slavery could not be used without possible legal consequences, so they embarked on a big elaborate plan which was to emasculate the black man while empowering the black female. There was and is nothing more humiliating then to take away the leadership of the family from the male and put such role in the hands of the weaker vessel the females. This is the sure way to break any men who are by nature a provider and protector. If you do the same thing to the woman as was done to the male; If the male took over the woman’s role of chief nurturer of the family, strip her of her nurturing role while maintaining his provider protector role, then she too will acquire a sense of uselessness in the environs of the home and family.

You have got to understand that although there is an exception to every rule, generally each or anytime you take away any one of the core roles from any man (black, white, or Indian etc.), he automatically fails in the other role: he began to feel less than a man. If a man is unable to protect his family from external forces, this condition puts a dent in the armor, it weakens the very thing that makes him a man, anytime a man is unable to provide for his family, such conditions cause an erosion of his masculinity.

I guess the big question that must be knocking at the door of your minds is; what techniques were employed to emasculate the black male? They took away his ability to provide for his family. They would fire the black man and use the law; their power and every means available to them to destroy every independent means or opportunity for the black man to earn a living. They took away his land, prevent him from trading, and impose any restriction on any lawful means he to earn a living. After they have destabilized the family, destroying the esteem of the head of the home by taking away his ability to provide for and protect his family; they, in the same breath empowered the black women thus adding to her role that of provider also, making her the chief and in most cases the only provider for the home. She was provided with very meager wages, the Negro females were employed to perform the same duties their husbands performed however their wages were far lower than that which was paid to the husband or the other black male.

They (the white masters) use the opportunity to poison the mind of the wife by referring to their husband as lazy and good for nothing, thus planting the seeds of resentment in the hearts of the wives toward their husbands. The ego within us human love to glory in the flatery when we are fed words that elevate us above another, whether such elevation is true and just or not. When our egos are fed we buy into the lies of our enemies and bring destruction to ourselves and our kind.

The unfortunate thing is how easily the women buy into such propaganda about her male counterpart who provide for her and his family from the beginning of time, who never fail to put himself in harms way to ensure that she was safe, who loved her unconditionally and encouraged her consistently ensuring that she is/was excellent in her role as nurturer to her children dedicated wife. You see the black women were no threat to the white powerful landowners, so he removed the threat (the black man).

Our sisters fail to heed to or they forgot the counsel of Proverbs 12:4 which states; “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness to his bones.

Such disrespect manifested it self in so many ways and was responsible for destroying the very things that she love and cherishes her families. But she (the black woman) became so drunk with her new role her newly acquired power that she allow wisdom to evade her. Now such is evident today in the delinquencies of our children, the high murder rate that exist among Negro youths, the alarming rate at which Negro young woman search out the abortionist knife to remedy the problem of unplanned pregnancies, the rise in members of the black community adopting the homosexual life style, the high number of Negro which are infected and die from HIV/AIDS, the lack of desire and interest to gain education proficiencies that is present in black males today, the overflow of the penitentiary with black males, the manifestation of drugs and violent gangs in our homes, schools, neighborhood, the promiscuities that is present among our young girls etc. all this the results of upsetting the chemistry or the natural order of the family and the home.
The Black Church:
Let us take a good look at the black churches, as it relates to the ratio of men to women that holds membership in these institutions and are playing an active role in the spreading of the Gospel of Jehovah and Jesus Christ. Yes you have observed correctly; the male membership is almost none existent. But why is this so?

I will like you to join me as I take a disgusted walk down the corridors of my recent memory; feel free to examine my findings if you feel so incline. I have been attending black churches ever since I was a child, and I am yet to hear a sermon or meet a preacher who is or was dedicated to empowering the black man, or buoying up the esteem of the congregation. Instead of empowering the black male (who ironically is Jehovah appointed priest and head of his home) the preachers systamatically and psychologically beat down his congregation especially the black male from the podium where they (the congregations) are forbidden to reply or challenge him (the preacher). This is done while empowering the women, creating a psychological and a manifested division between the gender and within the homes and the marriages.

When the man decrease in esteem and confidence, the women grows in similar fashion to that of the post emancipation period. The men are emasculated by his Shepard and the woman buy into the preacher ridicule of their fathers husbands, brother and friends: the men. The preacher’s opinions of the black man manifest itself into negative actions, inferences and attitude from the wives of the now belittled man. Her negative expressed and opinions of her man takes on a growing recklessness and such negativity are expressed first in his absence, then to his children and then as a direct attack on his manhood. It is unfortunate that such pointed attacks are done in the presence of the children.

In some cases the Christian woman fail to submit her self unto her husband which was Christ admonished her. Now the black man is bombarded with ridicule when he is at work, he has to compete with his peers for their attention, the sanctity of the church were transform into a place of ridicule and the tranquility of the home is now converted into a bottle field where violent attacks are launched on his manhood, he is belittled in the presence of his children and constancly insults by the one who should be closest to him. The destruction of the man was successful thanks to the insensitivity of the preachers. now the black man is left with no sanctuary: a place of peace and love.

The Christian church should be a place of refuge, a place where members can go to recoperate have after facing backbiting, prosecution, and other hardship at the hands of the wicked heathen whose aim is only to belittle us. There we should find encouragement, be motivated and uplifted, so we can be better husbands fathers employees and people. Unfortunately the church have become a place where the members (but more so the men) are beaten into submission; while the same pastors preach sermons to empower the females. Once again the male gender is emasculated, but this time, by those who were put in place to build and strengthen them. This is an act that is totally contary to Jehovah's will.

This is the primery reason why the black men of today are so weak; this is the primary reason why they fail to live up to their obligations as husband, father, providers and church officials. The black church have to begin empowering their congregation especially the black man.

Why is it that upwards to five thousand men followed Jesus Christ at any one time, yet the church, as the body of Christ, cannot attract a handful of men per congregation?

We have to understand that unlike the church, Christ satisfy the needs of the people who followed him, when they were hurting he reassured them, when they were troubled he brought them calm, when they were afflicted he comforted them, when they were heart broken he heal them, when they were broken he restore them, when they were distressed he brought peace and when they were ill he healed them. Jesus took the time to attend to the need of the people in the so many ways.
  1. He said arise to the little maiden and she awaken from her sleep of death and her family and friends were happy again.
  2. He responded to the voices that said “Son of David have mercy on me” and right there and then the blind was made to see.
  3. The man sick with the palsy was told to take up his bed and walk.
  4. Thing of the joy the family of the leper experienced when their skin was healed.
  5. When they multitude were hungry Jesus ensure that they were fed.

The people felt safe to bring their troubles to Jesus Christ, for they knew instead of a hard ears Jesus had tender ears: he was willing to listen to their troubles, they knew that he had a heart of love, for he harbored no bad thought against anyone not even the rich young ruler who rejected Jesus’ offer to become a disciple and follow him or the wicked church leaders who plotted and later killed him. They knew that he had lips of compassion for he speak tenderly and he speak to the need of the people, they knew that he has hands empathy for he gave, he healed, and he showed love to all he came into contact with.

Even when Jesus rebuked the hypocrite he did so out of a heart of love and to inform his followers what to look out for if they ought not to be deceived and lose their souls. Jesus concerned himself with bringing comfort to the comfortless, help to the helpless, healing to the sick, love to the unloved, understanding to the missunderstood and salvation to every sinners. This should be the mission of the church, to teach the thou shall not base on the thus said the lord: the bible.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Can We Live Sinless Lives?

When Jehovah made man, he made him in his image and his likeness, at the beginning of creation man was perfect in all of his ways. In other words Adam and Eve were perfect human. They were creatures that were created by a perfect God: Jehovah. They were created to Jehovah's precise plan, the last thread of their hear was where it was suppose to be; it was precise to the debt it was embedded into the skin as well as the length it extended above the scalp.

Adam and Eve were not only perfect in their appearance they were perfect in their purpose. But the celestial harmony was broken, with the entrance of sin. When man chooses to give up his perfection in beauty and purpose; he lost every thing:
  1. They lost their perfection in statue and in purpose.
  2. They lost the right to communicate with Jehovah directly on a daily basis.
  3. They lost the privilege to dwell in the magnificence of Eden.
  4. They lost the direct love they consistently experience with Jehovah
  5. They lost the privilege of being in his presence
  6. They also lost the privilege to be preserved in their perfect state forever among other things.
Man will no longer be considered sinless. For with the exception of one man: Jesus Christ the righteous, all else have sinned at some point and time of their life. But Jehovah in all of his mercies, grace, and love has made it so that; although we can never be declared sinless, we can all live sinless lives with the help and power of Jehovah and by the grace of Jesus Christ: the sinless son of Jehovah.

What does this mean?

It means that we can not say that we have never sin; however we can reach to a point in our spiritual life where we live sinless lives or live our lives without sinning. At this stage of our spiritual development we will discover that the sinful things that brought pleasure to us are despised and the activation of such pleasure sensors are triggered by holy stimulus such as our obedience to Jehovah, doing his will etc.

Unfortunately there are many followers of Jehovah and believers in Jesus Christ who do not believe that such spiritual state is attainable. They see everyone’s development through their own broken, rebellious and un-submissive life, their selfish desires and their unwillingness to let go of the pleasures of this world and to submit to Jehovah original intention for his human creation have hindered their spiritual development.

We are not without examples of people who have forsake all and submit to Jehovah power and the love and grace of Jesus Christ and have arrived to a point where they live sinless lives. Many Christian who are living defeated lives will want you to believe that the people who have surrendered to Jehovah life changing power and have been living sinless lives are special people. There is nothing that is far from the truth and this is one of the biggest lies that Satan has ever told. This is his way of having us call Jehovah and his son Jesus a liar and to ensure that we continue to live defeated lives.

Let us take a look at some men who have tapped into Jehovah life changing power and over came sin and lived sinless lives.

Most Christian, pastors, and other religious leaders will want us to believe that Job, Enoch and Elijah, were special people. There were nothing that was special about these men; they were ordinary men who relied totally on Jehovah for everything (great and small).

Job, Elijah, Enoch and the other patriots did not do anything that is impossible for us to do, neither were they given any special powers that is not available to us. It is by our chosing that we have not overcome sin and live sinless lives. We have exposed to us, the same power that took these ordinary men and inspired them to live extraordinary lives.

Jesus declared, be ye perfect even as your father is perfect. Jesus will never call us to accomplish a task that he knows is impossible; If Jesus said that we should be perfect then we can be. Job was an example that Jehovah nor his son Jesus is not requesting member of his human creation to do anything that is impossible. In Job 33:9, it is written, “I am clean, without transgression, I am innocent: neither is there any iniquity in me.”

Job did not have any problem in telling his friends of his spiritual status, it is important to note that this was not done boastfully but in the vindication of his character. If you are living a sinless or righteous life you will know that you are. You will know by your actions, the type of though you entertain, and foremost your relationship with Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ.

If Job can attain such spiritual high we can also. We should always remember that anything is worth having is worth going after and anything that is worth going after is worth all of our energies, dedication and focus.

Do you think the promise of living in eternal bliss in a perfect and serene place that was made by Jehovah to the human family and secured by Jesus Christ is worth having?

If your answer to the above question is yes; what are you willing to do to ensure that you are the bless beneficiary of such?

Monday, July 13, 2009

Rebellion to Tyrant is Obedience to God

“Rebellion to tyrant is obedience to God.” This quotation is very true. This serious and profound statement was coined by Benjamin Franklyn in 1776, and was to be the motto on the seal of the United States of America the greatest democracy that exists today. However this quote was later used by Thomas Jefferson on his personal seal.

“Rebellion to tyrant is obedient to God” can the truth in this statement be proven. Let us look to the bible, to see if this statement can be proven.

  • In the book of Genesis, the tyrannical King of Egypt: Pharaoh, enslaved the Israelites and subjected them to much inhumane treatment. It was as a result of Moses obedience to Jehovah and his love for his people that caused Moses to lead a rebellion against Pharaoh in the name of his God: Jehovah and thus he secured the freedom of his people.

  • In the four gospels of the New Testament: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John we saw John the Baptist rebelled against the hypocritical religious leaders and the immoral political leaders of his day; he also exposed their vile practices. This was done to their great disapproval; as a result, John was beheaded for his bold and courageous actions.

  • In Daniel 3: The tyrannical Babylonian King: Neb-u-chad-nez-zar ordered the world to worship him; his likeness was superimposed in the golden statue, the three Hebrew boys servants of Jehovah rebel against the king by not complying with his orders; as a result the boys were thrown into a super heated fiery furnace.

  • In Daniel 6: when King Darius forbid the worship of Jehovah and ordered that all recognition and worship be awarded only unto him. Here we saw Daniel rebelling against the king and his instruction. Daniel continued to file his petition with Jehovah his God and as a result of Daniel’s action, he was thrown into the lion’s den.
  • Religious leader who hides behind the cliché, God’s will, will be done are nothing more than cowards. Jehovah bestowed the responsibility on us to ensure that his will is done on earth and when such is beyond human ability he assured us he will step in and take care of business.

    Now let us take a look at some example that most conscionable human were in supports of; examples which occurred in the distant and recent pass:

  • The mothers and fathers of emancipation who rebelled against the wicked and the then legal system of slavery and secured the freedom of the black slaves. Their rebellion resulted in the lost of millions of life over hundreds of years
....Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.: The Father of the United States of Anerica Civil Rights Movement

  • Martin Luther King led a rebellion against the tyrannical system of segregation in America; a system which taught: black people are inferior and they were not human and members of the black race were treated as such. Dr. King’s actions were the catalyst that secured the rights of African American to live in America free and to be treated as a people who are equal. Martin Luther King paid the ultimate price for his people: death.
  • Mahatma Gandhi: was one who recognized the tyranny of the colonial government that occupied his country; and his heart could not bore the exploitation of his people. Thus Gandhi the Indian “spiritual leader” rebelled and inspired his people to rebel against the colonial tyrant. Gandhi’s action was the vehicle that propelled India to secure her independence. Mahatma Gandhi also suffered the ultimate price for his people: death.
.............................. Nelson Mandella: the South African Liberator
  • Nelson Mandela: the South African liberator who rebelled against the tyrannical system of apartheid and secured freedom for his people and ensured that his country became an unconditional self-governing nation, free of the prejudices that cause the exploitation and un-necessary death of millions of innocent black people. Nelson Mandela’s actions caused him to lost 27 youthful years of his life sitting in a prison cell for a cause he believed in; and a cause he knew was right.

One thing I know for sure and that is; if anyone asked these men if the suffering they undertook for their cause was worth it. They will answer with pride and let you know they will do it again if they are needed.

If from the examples provided above, we agree that rebellion to tyrant is indeed obedience to God, then obedience to tyrant is rebellion to God. It is time that people who have tyrant in their lives, such as a bosses, a political leader etc. to get up and rebel against any such tyrant that bully them. When we rebel we must expect retaliation from the tyrant in the same way John the Baptist, Daniel, the three Hebrew boys, Martin Luther King, Mahatma Gandhi and Nelson Mandela suffered; hence we must be prepare to suffer at the hand of a tyrant. But when all is said and done, we will experience a quality of life that will be better, richer and more rewarding; so much so, that we will ask ourselves why didn’t I rebelled sooner.

We must always remember that “a tyrant will always find pretext for his tyranny and it is useless for the innocent to try to reason to get justice when the oppressor intend to be unjust.”

All these men knew exactly what Jehovah expected of them and what was his desire for his people. They also knew that Jehovah has no hands or voice but there (our) hands and voices. What is Jehovah’s will for his people? The American Declaration of Independence out lined the answer to this question perfectly. “We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.” If there is a person or group who act against the principles out lined in the quote in any way may be a tyrant.

  1. If you or another are treated by anyone or a group as if you or the other is not created equal to them.

  2. If you or another are deprived of your rights to live.

  3. If you or another had your liberty to express themselves freely etc. taken away.

  4. Or who make living condition social and otherwise so unhealthy that it is almost impossible to enjoy even the pursuit of and attainment of happiness.

Let us take a look at another part of the Declaration of Independence of the United States of America “whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government.” In other words any time a government is corrupt, and or is unable to provide the rights as outlined above, in such cases, it is the rights of the people to alter or abolish that government and institute new government. This is very powerful counsel coming from the fathers of democracy.

Unfortunately many Caribbean leaders after they have been duly elected to lead the counties of their birth, normally adopt a tyrannical character, becoming enemies of the people, and voluntarily indulge in their own selfish gratification while the people suffer.

I will end with these two un-dissected quotation: Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God."
The United States of America Declaration of Independence:
"We hold these Truths to be self-evident, that all Men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. . . whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive to these Ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its Foundation on such Principles, and organizing its Powers in such Form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness."

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Abortion A Moral Issue

The Christian community is faced with many moral predicaments, which the bible did not address directly: predicaments that the unchristian world is fighting hard to sanitize. One such topic is the issue of abortion. What is abortion? Abortion is the premeditated or the conscious planning and the execution of that plan to terminate a pregnancy; and as we know a pregnancy is a process where a female egg is fertilized by the male sperm cell in the womb of a female to create a human life.

In speaking of the unborn human child Jehovah declared in Jeremiah 1:5; before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations. This statement tells me, that Jehovah; the awesome creator of the universe and all that is in it, knows every child even before conception, he has ordained a plan for that unborn child and it matters not, at what stage of development the unborn is; be it, the Zygote, Embryo, Fetus etc. Jehovah has a plan for that child.

In the recent pass fornication, adultery, homosexuality, divorce, abortion and even bringing disrepute to the family name were scorned and frond at by all; while respect for all life, ones community, the elderly, etc. were held in high esteem. Unfortunately today members of the community even some members of the Christian community wears the above negatives (fornication, adultery, homosexuality, etc.) as a badge of honor while we are forced to feel ashamed to celebrate the above positives (respect for the elderly etc.).

The bible has detailed the consequences for the accidental termination of a pregnancy, so it is a sign that the accidental termination of an unborn life is serious business. If Jehovah prescribed or instituted a system of punishment for the accidental termination of a pregnancy how much more serious is the willful termination of a pregnancy. The fact that the bible did not address the topic of abortion directly; only means that Jehovah’s people will have to tap into the abundance of wisdom that Jehovah has given to us in dealing with this and other issues that were not directly addressed in the bible.

The None-Christian community is convinced that abortion is morally wrong, and for many years the legislature have ensure that the necessary laws were enacted to protect the unborn life that flourishes in the womb. Unfortunately today the fight for the right to perform indiscriminate abortions without any lawful consequences; is in full motion and such liberty has a fancy name or term, which is: “The Right to Choose.” This means that the pregnant female has a right to choose whether they should carry a pregnancy to full term and give birth or whether to terminate that pregnancy at any stage.

In order to gain acceptance for abortion, many people try to confused the issue and develop argument such as: when or at what stage does life began? But when does life truly begin. Let us take a close look at this very controversial question.

The abortionist, the right to choose organizations and their followers argues that their inability to recognize certain organs and other human characteristics in the zygote etc. is clear indication that such beings (the life that occupies the womb) are not human. It is important to note that just because the technology is unable to distinguish or recognize particular essential human features and or characteristics in the unborn child automatically mean that these features and characteristics are not there or they do not exist. We all know how primitive modern sciences and technologies are.

We have seen how primitive modern sciences and the technologies are. This is exhibited in the thousand of retraction of findings and theories that were declared to be truthful and factual. The new discoveries that brought to naught the many scientific beliefs that have been propagated as facts for many years. But more so the high level of ignorance that still exist in the field of science such as anatomy and physiology.

The female egg (s) is a living part of the mature female; however when that egg dies the body systematically expels it during menstruation. It is important to understand that female eggs or ovaries do not have the potential intelligent that is required to mature into an adult human. There is also the sperm cell which is the reproductive factor of the male. The Sperm cell is capable of living and functioning independently of its life source although not for long. Like the ovaries, the sperm cell independently do not possess the potential intelligence to mature into an adult human; however the merging or the coming together of the two cells; the sex cell of the male and the sex cell of the female has the potential intelligence that can and have been facilitating the maturity of the cellular union into a mature human. As a matter of fact such cellular being like the zygotes are human (possesses the forty six (46) chromosomes or the two pairs of twenty three (23) chromosomes that represents human life); however they have only attained the first stage of the process, in a long journey that will see the zygote eventually develop into a mature human.

The unborn must develop and mature in the same way an infant has the potential intelligence to be an adolescent but have to develop biologically and mentally in order to reach that stage. Bearing this concept in mind, we must therefore conclude that life began at conception. The fusion of the two cells, each carrying twenty three chromosomes has the potential intelligence or all that is needed to be a human. So at conception we have a human child. The different names (zygote, fetus Blastocyst etc.) that is attributed to the unborn child is just to aid us in understanding the stages of development the unborn child have attain at a given period before birth.

So there should not be any confusion or unanswered question as to when life begins, it is clear that life begins at conception. It is not important whether science and its accompanying technologies are incapable of recognizing the characteristics, that in their small mind, will make the unborn a human.

There are exceptional cases where in my opinion, abortion may be deemed as justify; however, in general I deem such procedure to be morally wrong. But morality no longer holds any real influence in today’s community. I can lend sanction to such case where the life of the mother is at serious risk if she continue the pregnancy or attempt to give birth (whether surgical or natural) to the child.

It is unfortunate, but in my opinion, a pregnancy which occurs as a result of rape is not one that justifies having an abortion. From the honest and sincere confession of the people who have had abortions, the mental pain of such procedure leaves emotional scars that never heals and the trauma that is associated with abortion are the type of trauma that affect the one who consent to such for the rest of their life. It is also important to know that having an abortion in no way, reduces the devastating and traumatizing effect of being raped. Although to carry a child that one unwillingly share with a man, who viciously violate the body of the victim may be hard, it will not impact as much as if a new trauma is added to an already traumatized life in the same way the consequences of having an abortion does.

I will terminate this discourse by making the following clear: I am not a woman, I have never been pregnant, I have never been raped and I have never have an abortion, I therefore wrote this article from the prospective of an empathetic adult male and under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I pray that this article may give someone the convicting strength to better understand life and abortion.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Acquiring Strength Of Faith: Being like the three Hebrew Boys

In today’s discourse, we are going to examine the Strength Of Faith. What is faith? Faith is that overwhelming belief in someone or something that moves the believer to take action, believing that the action is worth the consequences or that someone or thing is able to cause us to avoid such consequences.

Each time we read the awesome, powerful, and courageous story about the three Hebrews boys that is recorded in Daniel 3: we are torpedoed through a series of emotions. All of which contributed to a personal longing to represent Jehovah in such an awesome manner and have Jehovah step up to the plate for us as he did for these three young men.

Will you still want to be an ambassador for Jehovah and Jesus Christ if you are going to suffer the pain or the consequences of your love for Jehovah, in the same or similar manner Peter did?

Let us take a little condense peep into the story:

Daniel told of a Mighty, but heathen King who was appointed by Jehovah to rule over the entire world; Unfortunately Jehovah’s chosen people had strayed so far from him that they forfeited the rights to be in charged of their own affairs. So the Mighty Heathen King Neb-u-chad-nez-zah was appointed into this awesome position with such a tremendous responsibility. Although Neb-u-chad-nez-zar was a heathen he had a heart that was open to the things that was good and true. However the teaching he was exposed to as a child: the teaching of his culture, the teachings of his parent and his religion, made it difficult for him to totally surrender to the will and expectations of Jehovah.

Like most of us today, King Neb-u- chad-nez-zar was overly occupied with his immortality. He wanted to live forever; and like most of us who understand that it is physically impossible to possess life forever, we gravitate to the next best thing. If we cannot live forever, we will settle for the ability and the privilege to be remembered forever.

Earlier in this story Jehovah gave Daniel the interpretation of a mysterious dream King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar had, which out lined the transition of the world's power from King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar’s reign to the end of the world. Jehovah revealed to Daniel, who in turn revealed to King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar, that there will never be a kingdom that is as awesome as his kingdom. This futuristic information left King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar with a sense of pride that turned him silly. Their will never be another king as mighty and as powerful as I.

It was a privilege to have such a declaration to be made by and to any person; but to have such esteem declaration about oneself, from the lips of the most holy God Jehovah, was overwhelming. The devil saw an opportunity to cause Neb-u-chad-nez-zar’s to become engulfed with pride.

As a result the King got a bright idea, I am going to build a statue of myself, this statue must be made of and from the finest gold, it must be greater than any thing that exist. My Statue must represent me and my majesty. Once the majestic statue was built, then came the time for the big and grandiose unveiling of the statue. How can I make this ceremony spectacular and memorable? Then there came the spectacular idea: why not gather every official member of my kingdom to the awesome ceremony, we will have the best music, the best food and of course the best entertainment. The statue will be unvailed and presented with its elegant and majestic beauty, this will happen while the national anthem of Babylon is being played then everyone will bow down and worship the statue; Oooh such a brilliant idea the King said to himself.

To King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar this seems like a wonderful idea but the servant of the most highest God: Jehovah; saw the violation of Jehovah Ten Commandments. Although the three Hebrew boys knew immediately what must be done, it was not an easy decision. Here is a mighty king and a good man, who have given us some wonderful privileges, no other Hebrew was given the privileges that this good king give to us. Although the king has extended great favor to the three Hebrew boys, their privileges were all favor from Jehovah and not of King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar.

Then the appointed time for the unveiling of the golden statue had arrived, the order of the ceremony was known by all, which was: during the playing of the national anthem of Babylon everyone present will fall to their knees, bow to and worship the golden status of the King.

The request or the command of King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar was in direct disregard for the command or laws of Jehovah.

Exodus 20: 3; thou shall not have no other gods before (but) me.

Exodus 20: 4; thou shall not make unto thee any graven image or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above or that is in the earth beneath or that is in the water under the earth.

Exodus 20: 5; thou shall not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I am the lord thy God I am a jealous God.

Sha-drach, Me’shack, and A-bed-ne-go knew who Jehovah is, they knew what he can do but most of all they knew the rewards of their faithfulness. After a brief personal introspection, each of the boys knew for himself what he was going to do and although they were very concerned about each other what matted most was what they were going to do as individuals.

At the signal of the king, the musicians break into an awe-inspiring rendition of the national anthem of Babylon, everyone on the plane of Dura fell on their face and worship the majestic image of Neb-u-chad-nez-zar. The king was happy, the historians have penned the record, the king’s seal has validated the authenticity of the records and history will forever show that all had bowed down and worshipped the statue; the unveiling was a success.

Then King neb-u-chad-nez-zar saw a contingent of his faithful servants approaching him, the King was ready to accept their praise; however instead of congratulatory remarks they bore remarks of defiant. The king was informed that the three Hebrew boys had failed to comply with his command to bow down to and worship his Statue.

The pride observed king could not believe what he was hearing. Sha-drach, Me’shack, and A-bed-ne-go were ushered into the presence of King Neb-u-chad-nez-zar at his command. The accusation was made known to the three boys, then the king awaits their reply. But before they reply the king speak; he said, You refused to worshiped my gods; the gods of my fathers and my people, I permitted that, now you refused to worship me and my Golden image.

By this time Sha-drach, Me’shack, and A-bed-ne-go, were totally disgusted at and with this whole affair and so in their replied they refused to give the king the respect that is normally awarded to him and others in his position. It is customary for the subject to use the title of their superiors when addressing such person especially in an official forum; however the three Hebrew boys did not give the king such an honor. They said “O Neb-u-chad-nez-zar we are not careful to answer thee in this matter”. If you noticed that the boys have drop the title of Neb-u-chad-nez-zar, after all he was king. What the boys were saying here was: King you know that we are faithful and loyal subject, you know that our allegiance is to Jehovah, you also know what Jehovah expects of us, as a result we are not going to provide you with an excuse neither are we going to justify our actions to you. "If it be so, our God who we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace and he will deliver us our of thine hands O king. But if not, be it known unto thee, O king that we will not serve thy gods or worship the image which thou have set up."

The reply of Jehovah’s faithful servants cause a fit of anger to engulfed the king who ordered the boys be bound hand and feet and be cast into the furnace immediately. The furnace was heated seven times hotter than it was previously; it was so hot that the heat that was emanating from it, immediately killed the men who throw the Hebrew boys into the furnace. Yet not even the smell of smoke was detected on Sha-drach, Me’shack, or A-bed-ne-go. Jehovah protected and saved their life as a reward for their faithfulness, but more so, it was for a bold display of his awesome power and to once again remind Neb-u-chad-nez-zar who Jehovah is.

Many of us will like to represent Jehovah on such grandiose stage, but such an important assignment took years of preparation, the young men had to purposely followed Jehovah’s leading in all matters; even the small tasks and even when no one is watching.

If we have the desire of becoming such an ambassador for Jehovah and Jesus; we have to go into intense training now, we have to be obedient to Jehovah words and allow the Holy Spirit to train us as required. It is only then, that we will walk into the fires that separates us from Jehovah; not caring if we live or die. This is the strength of faith we all must aspire too.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

Jehovah's Law V/S /Man's Law

When the law of Jehovah, conflicts with the Law of man, it marks the beginning of the prosecution of Jehovah’s faithful followers. Biblical and secular history bear record of such prosecutions.

We learnt of Daniel, whose efforts to follow Jehovah’s law (in particular the third commandment) became a challenge after King Darius suddenly changed the law to feed his own ego; as a results, Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den for following his custom and freely worshiping Jehovah: the God of his fathers. Then there were the three Hebrew boys, who took the same stance for Jehovah as Daniel did and refuse to worship the golden statue of Nebuchadnezzar: the blazing furnace was their portion.

There were the prosecution of the early Christians by Roam, for the belief and worship of Jesus Christ as the son of Jehovah; and there came the Dark Ages. The Dark Ages was a period of spiritual apostasy. This was a period when there was a one world political power and the political and spiritual leadership was one and the same. In this era, Christian were prosecuted, not because they had apostatized, but because they chosen to worship Jehovah in spirit and in truth. Therefore all of the strange beliefs, practice and Satan inspired rituals became normal and eventually became laws. These new laws directly conflicted with Jehovah’s laws. As a result of the institution of such laws, Jehovah’s faithful children became victim of political and religious prosecution; such prosecution was executed by the church and the state which was unified and shared a common leader, as is present in Vatican City today.

Unfortunately once again the spiritual, social and political tides are changing and the structures are being put into place to facilitate a fresh spate of Christian prosecution. Soon Jehovah’s children/the followers of Jesus Christ will once again become victims of the legal system. The fast pace at which Spiritual and moral values are degrading are reasons for concern. While Jehovah’s law is being trampled upon and the morality that was responsible for keeping the fabric of society neatly woven together are ripped apart, Jehovah’s people finds pleasure as they experiments with sin. By their own design, they fall victims to the lust of the flesh, becomes slaves to appetite, are prisoners of greed, and are held captives of their indulgences.

Such turning away from Jehovah and his words, makes it impossible for his representatives to lend an opposing voice against the ills, the wishes and the demand of those who hate Jehovah, his law and his righteousness

Because there are no light emanating from the people who have answered Jehovah’s call and have chosen to shine their light to the world; a perpetual darkness engulfed the world filling the void that was left by Jehovah’s followers. As a result men are left to stumble about in the dark, as Satan places the delight of the flesh, rapped in attractive packages before them. They are persuaded that their Devil inspired thoughts, and practice are acceptable and right. And in their effort to ease their consciences and to achieve a feeling of Justification in their defilement; they move to influence the legislature to enact laws that goes totally contrary to Jehovah’s laws.

Today; we have seen the strength and speed at which the crusade for the legalization of homosexuality and an imposed acceptance of their defile practice are moving at. We are confronted with the action to enact laws to merge their defile practice with Jehovah’s secret institution of marriage.

The wide spread acceptance and the enacting of laws which will force Jehovah’s people to accept and perform marriage ceremony to unite homosexual in the holy institution of marriage, will mark it difficult for Jehovah people to live their faith. This seemingly simple and harmless fate will escalate into graver and graver punishment for people who fail or refuse to comply with the law as well as those who refused to accept such defile practice as right and normal.

Then Jehovah’s people will be asked to compromised more and more of Jehovah’s laws in order to be ensured a secure existence on this earth. But the question we are confronted with is: who should take precedence Jehovah and his laws or mans defile impositions?

All this is rapidly coming to a climax and this is so because the people who are called by Jehovah’s name are too afraid to let their objective voices be heard or to stand up for that which is right.

The behavior and attitudes of Jehovah’s followers often make the all powerful, Creator of the Universe ashamed, give the devil the right to laugh in the face of his creator and our creator/redeemer for giving his son for his creation: man, how hates him as much as he does.

Friday, June 19, 2009

How To Treat A False or Fallen Prophet

Related topic: Fraud in the pulpit
The media is the perfect reminder of how unscrupulous man has become. And unfortunately, such unscrupulous behaviors have infiltrated the church of the living God Jehovah. Today men have seen the church and Jehovah’s words as a major investment opportunity. An opportunity where they pray on the hope and trust of the people, whose belief is anchored in the love of Jehovah; the faith of Jesus and the working of the Holy Spirit.

These people operate in the realms of deception and when deception fails, they resort to the use of guilt to play on the consciences of the believers in order to:

  1. Get their loyalty
  2. Their money
  3. Their trust
  4. And their obedience
But Jehovah is an awesome God, and he does not take it lightly when his Shepard’s uses his words for their own selfish gain. Jehovah always tells us what we must do and his counsel is always in our best interest. He never does or says anything to make us feel guilty, he tells us like it is; however if we decide not to comply with his will freely, we will suffer the consequences of our disobedience. It is important to remember that if we comply with Jehovah’s will for the wrong purpose; such obedience will be a sacrifice that may be accepted by man but one that Jehovah will reject.

So what does Jehovah says about those who use him, his words, and his sanctuary for their own purpose, and those who use deception to have their own way with Jehovah's children. Let us go to Deuteronomy 18: 18-19, which states:

18 "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I have command him.

19 And it shall come to pass that who will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I shall require it of him."

Today as thorough out all of biblical history, we have to content with false prophet (those Jehovah has not raise up), who took it on their own to do as they please with Jehovah’s words, and his people. It is because of the spirit of stupidity that dwell within us and the vast among of corruption that is within Jehovah appointed ministers that we are unable to disown who is appointed by Jehovah and who is self-appointed. But Jesus said: "by their fruit ye shall know them" and their fruits are; their lives, which consist of their action, their inferences; but most of all their spoken words, which is the window to their conscience and their soul.

But thanks to Jehovah who has given us direction as to how we ought to deal with people who refuse to speak that which Jehovah had instructed them and choose to speak and to do his own thing in the name of Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ.

We read in 1 Samuel 22: 17, When king Saul ordered his footmen to kill A-him-e-lech Jehovah’s faithful priest, Saul footmen refused, for they preferred to face the wrath of King Saul than to offend Jehovah. This was because A-him-e-lech was appointed and anointed by Jehovah. And like David in the wilderness who asked Jehovah to forgive him for stretching out his hands against Saul for cutting off King Saul’s skirt. Like A-him-e-lech Saul was anointed and appointed by Jehovah, but unlike A-him-e-lech; Saul had strayed and became evil and thus bring his anointing to naught. But he was still one who was appointed by Jehovah.

The question is, how are we to treat those who were anointed and appointed by Jehovah who have failed to live up to their calling? Should we continue to treat that person with the respect and reverence as if he is still under the anointment of Jehovah? Let us hear what Jehovah’s counsel on such is.

Let us go to Deuteronomy 18: 22. When a prophet speaks in the name of the lord, if the thing, follow not, nor come to pass, that is the things which the lord had not spoken, but the prophet had spoken it presumptuously: thou shall not be afraid of him.

This is saying that when one who is appointed by Jehovah, fails to represent Jehovah and his son Jesus the Christ; that person should not be feared or respected, and should be treated like one who have forfeited his anointing. Can you honestly respect a person who is knowingly leading you into hell; under the guise that they loves and cares for you and all of their efforts are dedicated to ensuring that you make it into heaven? This person is not one who has your best interest at heart and therefore should not be treated as such.

We must also bear in mind that Jehovah’s servants are not perfect and we should not expect perfection from them, baring in mind that they must aspire to be perfect, which is an exception of the father "therefore be ye also perfect as your father is perfect" however in their moment of confusion we must see the humility of Jehovah in them.