Friday, June 19, 2009

How To Treat A False or Fallen Prophet

Related topic: Fraud in the pulpit
The media is the perfect reminder of how unscrupulous man has become. And unfortunately, such unscrupulous behaviors have infiltrated the church of the living God Jehovah. Today men have seen the church and Jehovah’s words as a major investment opportunity. An opportunity where they pray on the hope and trust of the people, whose belief is anchored in the love of Jehovah; the faith of Jesus and the working of the Holy Spirit.

These people operate in the realms of deception and when deception fails, they resort to the use of guilt to play on the consciences of the believers in order to:

  1. Get their loyalty
  2. Their money
  3. Their trust
  4. And their obedience
But Jehovah is an awesome God, and he does not take it lightly when his Shepard’s uses his words for their own selfish gain. Jehovah always tells us what we must do and his counsel is always in our best interest. He never does or says anything to make us feel guilty, he tells us like it is; however if we decide not to comply with his will freely, we will suffer the consequences of our disobedience. It is important to remember that if we comply with Jehovah’s will for the wrong purpose; such obedience will be a sacrifice that may be accepted by man but one that Jehovah will reject.

So what does Jehovah says about those who use him, his words, and his sanctuary for their own purpose, and those who use deception to have their own way with Jehovah's children. Let us go to Deuteronomy 18: 18-19, which states:

18 "I will raise them up a prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee and I will put my words in his mouth, and he shall speak unto them all that I have command him.

19 And it shall come to pass that who will not hearken unto my words which he shall speak in my name I shall require it of him."

Today as thorough out all of biblical history, we have to content with false prophet (those Jehovah has not raise up), who took it on their own to do as they please with Jehovah’s words, and his people. It is because of the spirit of stupidity that dwell within us and the vast among of corruption that is within Jehovah appointed ministers that we are unable to disown who is appointed by Jehovah and who is self-appointed. But Jesus said: "by their fruit ye shall know them" and their fruits are; their lives, which consist of their action, their inferences; but most of all their spoken words, which is the window to their conscience and their soul.

But thanks to Jehovah who has given us direction as to how we ought to deal with people who refuse to speak that which Jehovah had instructed them and choose to speak and to do his own thing in the name of Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ.

We read in 1 Samuel 22: 17, When king Saul ordered his footmen to kill A-him-e-lech Jehovah’s faithful priest, Saul footmen refused, for they preferred to face the wrath of King Saul than to offend Jehovah. This was because A-him-e-lech was appointed and anointed by Jehovah. And like David in the wilderness who asked Jehovah to forgive him for stretching out his hands against Saul for cutting off King Saul’s skirt. Like A-him-e-lech Saul was anointed and appointed by Jehovah, but unlike A-him-e-lech; Saul had strayed and became evil and thus bring his anointing to naught. But he was still one who was appointed by Jehovah.

The question is, how are we to treat those who were anointed and appointed by Jehovah who have failed to live up to their calling? Should we continue to treat that person with the respect and reverence as if he is still under the anointment of Jehovah? Let us hear what Jehovah’s counsel on such is.

Let us go to Deuteronomy 18: 22. When a prophet speaks in the name of the lord, if the thing, follow not, nor come to pass, that is the things which the lord had not spoken, but the prophet had spoken it presumptuously: thou shall not be afraid of him.

This is saying that when one who is appointed by Jehovah, fails to represent Jehovah and his son Jesus the Christ; that person should not be feared or respected, and should be treated like one who have forfeited his anointing. Can you honestly respect a person who is knowingly leading you into hell; under the guise that they loves and cares for you and all of their efforts are dedicated to ensuring that you make it into heaven? This person is not one who has your best interest at heart and therefore should not be treated as such.

We must also bear in mind that Jehovah’s servants are not perfect and we should not expect perfection from them, baring in mind that they must aspire to be perfect, which is an exception of the father "therefore be ye also perfect as your father is perfect" however in their moment of confusion we must see the humility of Jehovah in them.

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