Thursday, September 30, 2010

Behind The Scenes: The Devil Cast Out & The Fall Of Man.

There is much information that was left out of Lucifer’s fall from his high and lofty position in heaven, to what he was reduced to; after he led a failed revolt against The Heavenly Throne of Jehovah. What happened when he was cast down to the earth? How did the “Prince of the Morning” fell from heaven and what were the conditions of his stay on the earth? Isaiah 14: 12-15, gives us an indirect glimpse into this saga. “O shining star, son of the morning! You have been thrown down to the earth, you who destroyed the nations of the world. 13For you said to yourself, ‘I will ascend to heaven and set my throne above God’s stars. I will preside on the mountain of the gods far away in the north. e 14I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.’ 15Instead, you will be brought down to the place of the dead, down to its lowest depths.”

Although the above bible text gives us a brief on what occurred when Satan was expelled from the heavenly realms, there are still tons of unanswered questions. Most people will say that Yah did not give answer to these questions because it is not for us to know the answer to these questions. However; I believe that the great creator God, who knows all things and has the answer to all questions that man could ever ask; is more than willing and able to supply the necessary answers.

Let us go to the book of Genesis,  and there we will particularly examine the fall of man; while we do that, we will also solicit the Holy Spirit to help us in understanding, as well as; to clear up some of the ambiguities that are found there. Genesis chapter 1-2: dealt with the Creation of the heaven and the earth and all that in them is. It also saw the very first instruction that God give to man, which was a warning not to eat of a particular tree in the Garden of Eden. Gen. 2: 16-17 But the LORD God warned man, “You may freely eat the fruit of every tree in the garden— 17except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. If you eat its fruit, you are sure to die.”

Later on in Genesis 3: 1-7 One day the Devil asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

2“Of course we may eat fruit from the trees in the garden,” the woman replied. 3“It’s only the fruit from the tree in the middle of the garden that we are not allowed to eat. God said, ‘You must not eat it or even touch it; if you do, you will die.’”

4“You won’t die!” the serpent replied to the woman. 5“God knows that your eyes will be opened as soon as you eat it, and you will be like God, knowing both good and evil.”

6The woman was convinced. She saw that the tree was beautiful and its fruit looked delicious, and she wanted the wisdom it would give her. So she took some of the fruit and ate it. Then she gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate it, too. 7At that moment their eyes were opened, and they suddenly felt shame at their nakedness.

All Satan did was to plant a seed of doubt in the mind of the woman; he knew that as long as he gets either of God’s priced possession to entertain the slightest doubt there was something he could work with. The devil knew that he can only secure his freedom by convincing the man to freely hand it over to him.

There are not much said about this detrimental event in the bible, that is not to say that the whole story was not known, after centuries of repeating the story it came to a point where all of the details did not made the story anymore interesting and thus only the bear facts remains. There is always a danger to this end, in that, when the curiosity of future generation is aroused then that which they don’t know generates much more interest than that which is known.

There was only one reference of the devil before the fall of man and that was the encounter with the woman. Jehovah being God who has a well methodical plan for man’s salvation, had to have a well thought out plan for the incarceration of the devil and the other heavenly beings that followed the devil’s instructions. The questions that immediately popped into my mind are: where were the others who were evicted from the realms of Heaven with the Devil? Did Yah allowed Satan to have his subjects with him on the earth, thus making him ruler over the fallen ones? If so, how were they to coexist with man in the same environment? Why weren’t there any reference to or about the other fallen angels?

Understanding the Creator, the all knowing and the omnipotent God: Jehovah, he had a well though out plan for the incarceration of the devil and his angels. It is no secret that it is very uncomfortable for evil to dwell in the presence of perfection and righteousness, when Lucifer fell and he took on Devilish qualities and eventually was transformed in to the devil he is to day, it became grossly uncomfortable for him to continually dwell in the environment he wanted to rule. He would have had to change all of the characteristics that made heaven, heaven in order for him to dwell and reign there. In other words the devil would have to turn the splendors of heaven, into the hell he is slowly but successfully transforming the earth into in order for him to dwell there.

Before the fall of man Satan was confined to one tree in the garden; that tree was his dungeon and he dear not set foot off of that tree. The air of earth could not support him in flight even though he had wings, the purity of the earth was capable of inflicting agonizing pain to the defile foot of the devil. Satan did not have the pleasure of interacting with those who followed him in rebellion against God; he did not have the pleasure of setting up his own kingdom with his followers as his subjects. He was confined to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The tree was so named for the one who dwell there, was once perfect and knew all there is to know about that which was good and perfect but in his present state he is now the embodiment of evil; hence the name of the tree: the tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. It is safe to say that apart from Jehovah who knows all things, there was no other creature that had knowledge of what evil was. For their loving Creator spare them the agony of experiencing such. He made all of his creatures perfect in every way, he placed them to live in a perfect environment, and he only exposed them to positive, loving influences and his perfection and righteousness.

Before Lucifer’s fall that knowledge belongs only to the all knowing God and to no one else.

Satan presence on that tree of the knowledge of good and evil had corrupted the plant and by extension the fruits that bore on that tree. Although there were not vivid sign of the contamination that had infected the tree; the tree was different from all of the trees in the Garden; the perfect eyes of both man and beast could have recognized the difference and in obedience to their Creator all stay away from that tree and its fruits.

when the woman became interested in the tree and it fruits, and she had learn the tree was not as bad as it appeared to be; as bad as they were told it was and that three were benefits to be derived from that which was forbidden, the woman blinded her eyes to the danger of the presumable deadly tree, she refused to see the differences that were once so visible to her, and she purposefully fail to remember the words of her Creator as was told to her by her husband: words that warned all of earth the tree was not Good for food and they must not touch or eat of its fruits; for the day that they do eat of the tree they should surely die.

When the woman partake of the fruit that was declared forbidden by Jehovah God, nothing happened to her or to the earth; immediately, the devil realized that he was in the same condition he was in before the woman eat of the tree. It was then Satan realized that the disobedience of the woman will have a grand effects he thought it would; for The Creator did not give dominion over his creation to the woman but to the man.

Soon after Eve had transgressed the instruction of Jehovah, she regretted touching and eating of the forbidden fruit, immediately she knew that there were going to be serious consequences even though she did not know what death was. This was so for the loving God had spare the legal inhabitants of earth the knowledge and the misery that accompanied death.

Satan knew if he were to break free from the captivity he had found himself in, he had to get the man to disobey God law and the easiest way to accomplish this, was to entice the man to eat of the fruit  of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil; which would change man from immortal to mortal. Satan then encouraged the woman to share the fruit with her husband, after all if you eat of it and you did not die, it means that he can also eat of the fruit and he will not die. She also knew that sooner or later she would have to face the Creator God, and she did not want to face Jehovah alone, so she adhere to the counsel of the Devil.

When Adam saw his wife with the fruit in her hands, he became very fearful for he knew, neither man nor beast were to touch that fruit and in the day that anyone eat of it they will die. The woman offered her husband the fruit for food, recognizing his apprehension; she took a bit of the fruit in order to prove to her husband the fruit was good for food. Adam waited for the fruit to take effect; however, when nothing happened to his wife; as a result, his apprehension began to wane; she then took the opportunity to inform her husband of the benefits that were to be derived from participating in the meal.

When Adam realized that his wife had acquired new knowledge that he did not have, she had experienced something he had not and tasted of the fruit that he had never tasted; he became jealous of the woman, and wanted to be on par with her. After all she was the product of his body, it was him God give dominion over all things. Adam did not know the tremendous fear and trepidation his wife was experiencing; however he though he was missing out on an experience his wife was enjoying. Thus in his quest to maintain control he partake of the fruit.
It was when Adam eat of the fruit that immediately the change took effect. The Devil immediately felt the change and knew that he was free from his prison, Adam immediately felt and saw his nakedness and like wise the woman. Even the animals felt the emergence of the disharmony that swept across the Garden. The Most High felt the cords of love and adoration which constantly flow from man’s heart to his and from Jehovah's heart back to the heart of mans were instantly replaced by fear.

The unfortunate events that led to the fall of earth first couple was not played out in the dark, but Jehovah and all the host of heaven looked on in utter disbelief and shame as the custodian of the earth, one who was made by Jehovah's own hands and was appointed by Jehovah himself refused to heed his creator’s command and in the process freed the devil; change his allegiance from the God of love to the father of destruction and as Adam handed over the sovereignty of the earth to him who hates their creator Jehovah; the one who was banished there from before the father's throne.

Most people believe that nothing was wrong with the tree and their dying was as a result of their disobedience to Jehovah. If you believe this you share the same believe system with the father of lie: the Devil, who also believed that Jehovah’s laws were arbitrary and not necessary; the laws of God were only a burden on holy creatures. The devil found out the hard way, for when he choose not to honor the words of the Lord his God, he paid the full price and today he is still bearing the consequence of his action.

Separation from God carries a high price. It is nothing that God does but a natural reaction to a conscious action we choose to take. When the devil rejected Jehovah as his God and refuse to bask in his glory, he suffered the natural consequence of his action. It is time that we realized Yahweh knows how he made us, he knows our deficiencies, our weaknesses and the effects such will have on us, if we do not subscribe to that which was put in place to keep such deficiencies and weakness at bay. It is like a person refusing to basked in the sunlight, eventually he or she will becomes pale and sickly. We don't have to be pale and sickly, for we are not without the knowledge as to how to remain healthy; all he have to do is adhere to the instruction of how to stay strong and healthy and all will be well.

We must never forget that there is only one who is self sustaining and that person is Jehovah, the Creator God, The Most High; The All Powerful God all else is sustained by some aspect of his perfection. an example of this is the sun: the sun has no use on its own but it finds importance when it reflect God's glory. let us not forget that the sun has no light of its own but was placed in the heavens as a buffer that protect earth's inhabitants from the direct effects of Jehovah's brilliance.

Lets us take a look at God’s law and see which of the laws we can identify Satan as being in contravention of:

Commandment 1: you must not have any other God but me. Satan was not satisfy with Jehovah’s Deity and chooses to institute another God other than Jehovah: he set himself up as God. That was a direct violation of the first commandment.

Commandment 2: you shall not make or worship other Gods. Satan not only set himself up as a God to be worship, he also enticed all of his heavenly subordinates to accept him as a God and to worship him.

Commandment 5: Honor thy mother and thy father. Satan failed to honor Jehovah God as his father; Jehovah was the one who created, cared for, blessed him with power, provided a perfect environment for him to dwell in etc. Yet he betrayed his creator, sustainor, father and provider.

Commandment 9: “You must not testify falsely against your neighbor. Satan spread falsehood to all of his subordinates about Jehovah, his Government and the way he (Jehovah) ran his government the way he did. Unfortunately Satan shamelessly continue to spread that same falsehood to the fallen race today.

Commandment 10: “You must not covet your neighbor’s house. You must not covet your neighbor’s wife, male or female servant, ox or donkey, or anything else that belongs to your neighbor. Satan coveted or desired fro himself Jehovah’s Kingdom, His honor, His power, His worship, His perfection and His status as God and Creator of the universe and everything in it.

So you see if you believe like Satan that there were nothing wrong with the tree and there were nothing wrong with eating of it fruits, you are only buying into the devil’s first lie. Jehovah will never cause us to uphold a law or cause us to refrain from something for absolutely no reason at all; neither will he asked us to do anything unless it will be beneficial to us. To do otherwise would be selfish and spiteful and the God who created the Heaven and the earth is neither selfish and or spiteful. He (Yahweh) have proven this when he have committed his only son to die on the cross for fallen, worthless humanity, he have proven that he is not selfish and or spiteful when he refuse to immediately destroy the Devil and his followers, for plotting and participating in a siege on his kingdom, and he have proven that he is not selfish and spiteful when in stead of exacting immediate Justice on the first human couple for refusing to adhere to his instruction which was for their own benefit. In stead of destroying them he allowed his disobedient creature to life in their sinful, fallen condition in the hope of eternal redemption from their sins and restoration to their former state.

It is important to note that the beauty that Lucifer possessed were not taken away from him after he fell. We must understand that the beauty that Lucifer possessed was as a result that Yah made him perfectly, his righteousness maintained that perfection, and dwelling in the presence of his perfect creator only enhance his beauty, the glory of Good cause the precious stones which covered Lucifer to radiate with the glory that only Yahweh possesses.

So the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil possessed characteristics that was alien to man. They were so alien to man because they would not have contributed to man’s happiness but only deprived him of the happiness that he was created to enjoy; should man chose to participate in such would only destroy man’s perfection.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Adonai's (My Lord's) Desire For His Children: You and Me.

3rd John 1:2 Beloved, I wish above all things that you prosper and be in health, even as thy soul prospers. 
Many people are of the opinion that Christian are to live dejected lives, and the dejection that Christians are subject to, are signs of how close they are to Yahweh; your troubles are proof of your meekness, your frustration are evidence of your faith in God and your suffering are tangible benefit of Yahweh's loves for you. If you are one who believe such things, let me tell you here and now; you have got it all wrong. All those examples are signs that you have been curse by The Creator. Jehovah will never curse his faithful children; however, this does not means that you will not experience difficult time.

So if you are experiencing the above negatives in your life, then you are to stop, reexamine your life and the relationship you have with the Most High God. It may very well be that you are experiencing such because you have strayed from your maker and your king, you may think you are OK but you may very well have back slid; you may have been neglecting your relationship with the savior and is declining into apostasy.

For it is always God’s will that we prosper and be in good health. We must not forget that Yah don’t cause his prosperity to fall on just anyone. You see whether we are serving Jehovah or not we are awarded certain of his blessing, he blesses us with life, gives us fresh air, good health and hope of better things  to ensure that the quality of our life is one that is worth living. The prosperity of Yah is a reward from God and a sign of his extended blessing. Although everyone is entitled to his extended blessing, everyone is not exposed to the extended blessings of God. In order for us to qualify for the outpouring of our father’s extended blessing, we must meet certain conditions.

Let us turn to Deut. 28: 1-2 in an effort to find out what conditions must be met in order to experience and participate in the lord’s blessing and experienced his prosperity, protection, good health etc.

Deut. 28: 1-2 This is what will happen, if thou shall hearken diligently unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe and to do all his commandments which I command thee this day, that the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth: And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shall hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God.

If you shall listen diligently to the voice of the lord your God;” you are not just required to listen but you are required to listen diligently. The word diligent means: carefully carrying out a task or duty paying attention especially to detail or exactness.

So diligently listening, is to pay attention to what is being said especially paying particular attention to the details and the exactness of what is being said.

Why is it important that we listen diligently? We must listen diligently because the stakes are high; we cannot take anything for granted because the end results will determine three things which are:

1. It determines whether or not we reflected to the world or show the world that we are indeed children of God, representing him in all that we do.

2. It will determine whether or not we experience hardship and a curse life here on earth or whether we experience God's wonderful blessings on earth.

3. It is also a measuring stick that determine the degree of our love for Jehovah.

We are called upon to listen diligently to the words of Jehovah God.

The second part of the text says: to observe and to do all his commandments. Now that we have listened diligently or we have pay attention to the details and the exactness of God’s words, we are to observe and to do all his commandments not some, or those that are convenient to us but all of his commandment; when we feel foolish doing them, when people calls us name, we must do them and even when we don’t feel like; we must observe and do all of the lord’s commandment.

When you listen carefully to God’s word, paying attention to detail and the exactness of what he has said and you are careful to observe his commandment with the same diligence: paying attention to details and the exactness of his words; then the LORD thy God will set thee on high above all nations of the earth

This is the reward for your diligence in listening and living. You shall be set on high above all nation of the earth. God is going to elevate you where ever you are, you will have better health that the other; God’s servants always experience good health and long life, more earthly riches, see Job, Abraham, Isaac's, David, the three Hebrew boys Daniel etc. greater capacity to understand simple as well as complex things, Salomon, David, Daniel etc. you will be respected even by those who hate and despises you and you will always experience the protection of the lord.

And all these blessings shall come on thee, and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God. In other words, If you shall listen and do what the lord say all of God’s blessing, what are blessings? Blessings, are God’s love and favor; So, in simple language if we listen to and obey Jehovah’s word, his love and favor will chase us and over take us where ever we go. Isn’t that wonderful?

So when other sees you, they will automatically say Psalms 1:1-3 Bless is the man that walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, who refuse to stand in the way of sinners, who cannot be convinced to sit in the seat of the scornful. But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and on God’s law he set aside time to meditate on them every day and every night. God will then bless him and he shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, he bring forth his fruit in and out of season; his leaf shall never wither; and whatsoever he do shall prosper.

Lets us therefore visit Deut. 28:3-14 and examined some of the areas we will experience God’s blessings.

Verse3 blessed shall thou be in the city, and blessed shall thou be in the field.

It matter not where you are, whether you are in the city, the field or in a heathen country Yahweh’s blessing will follow you, over take you, set you apart and make you distinguish.

Blessed shall be the fruit of thy body, and the fruit of thy ground, and the fruit of thy cattle, the increase of thy kin, and the flocks of thy sheep.

God love and favor will be upon the fruits of your body: that mean your children will be blessed, the fruit of the ground and the fruit of the cattle which means your increase or income, and your kin: your family. Our family will experience blessings because of our love and obedience to and for Jehovah. You see Jehovah knows, if those who are close to us; those who fail to demonstrate their love for him, got the punishment for their disobedience to him that they deserves and become ill, got into accidents, fail at what they do, die etc. such will have a devastating negative impact on the life his faithful child, so in order to minimize the suffering to the faithful, he take care of our wicked friends and family even when they do not deserve it. Yah does this as a part of our blessing; thus saving us his faithful children the agony of the demise of those close to us.

Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store. When you sit down to eat you food will properly nourish your body.

Blessed shall thou be when thou come in, and blessed shall thou be when thou go out.

The LORD shall cause your enemies that rise up against thee to be smitten before thy face: they shall come out against thee one way, and flee before thee seven ways.

The devil will cause the wicked to hate you for no reason at all and they shall form allegiance against you to do you harm and even to take your life, they will plot and execute their wicked plans against you; however, without your effort, they: your enemies and their plans will fall by the way side, even without your knowledge that there were the devil devise plot to destroy you. Your enemies shall flee like scared pigeon from you; your good and well intended action will frighten them and they will flee from you.

The LORD shall command the blessing upon thee in thy storehouses, and in all that you set your hand to do; and he shall bless thee in the land which the LORD thy God give thee. 9The LORD shall establish thee an holy people unto himself, as he hath sworn unto thee, if thou shall keep the commandments of the LORD thy God, and walk in his ways. 10And all people of the earth shall see that thou art called by the name of the LORD; and they shall be afraid of thee.

Because of your action and Jehovah God reaction the entire world will know that you are called by Yahweh’s name and you are his child and he is your God, this relationship that you have establish with Jehovah, will send fear into the hearts of man and even devils.

11 And the LORD shall make thee plenteous in goods, in the fruit of thy body, and in the fruit of thy cattle, and in the fruit of thy ground, in the land which the LORD swore unto thy fathers to give thee. 12The LORD shall open unto thee his good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of your hand: and thou shall lend unto many nations, and thou shall not borrow.

The lord will bless you with lots of healthy children, and he will give you more then enough means to take care of those children, you will have so much that you will be able to lend to others; even those who hate you will have to come to borrow from you and you will always have to lend.

13 And the LORD shall make thee the head, and not the tail; and thou shall be above only, and thou shall not be beneath; if that thou hearken unto the commandments of the LORD thy God, which I command thee this day, to observe and to do them: 14And thou shall not go aside from any of the words which I command thee this day, to the right hand, or to the left, to go after other gods to serve them.

Yahweh will make you the most important and they shall always be at the top and never beneath

But all this will only come to a reality when and if we diligently listen to Jehovah’s words and do them with correctness. So don’t forfeit your opportunity to experience being the recipient of earthly riches, the protection of the conquering lion himself, the wisdom that will set you apart from all other, and a family life that will only bring joy to your heart. In order to achieve all of these things and more you must first get to know who Jehovah and his son Jesus Christ are, and after you know who they are; you must decide whether or not they are who you want to have rule over your life or not. If you choose Yahweh then you will be bless as is outlined above.