Yahweh made a promise to redeem human kind, so he (Yahweh) called his son and He give him an asignment that broke his father's heart to give.
Jesus Christ took on the assignment that was so enormous, the most elite angel could not have done it. He was to be seperated from his father & his father' love; alone in a world that was poluted by sin, the stench of which affected him.
He was betrayed by one who was dear to his heart, denied by one whom he loved dearly, he was the head & creator of the church, but was rejected by that which he founded; his friend choose a murderer & rejected him, he was accused of lying when he spoke only the turth. he was convicted for a crime he did not commit, he was taunted by a thief, mocked by infedells & die a shameful death. All this was done just for me.
Did you know, all this happen in full view of his father & all of heaven who felt the misery & pain. Their heart was severely broken.
Then all of hell trimble in fear, as great laughter and Joy fill the father's throne. All of heaven burst into tears of Joy & a shout of victory was heard as he who was rejected, dispised and scorned; shake off the chains of death and solving her greatest mystery. The grave in fear of the awesome risen One, renigged on her deal with death, to confine Yahweh's son for eternity. So she opened her belly and set Jesus free.
Soon every knees will bow and all tongue will proclaim him King of kings.
Jesus Christ took on the assignment that was so enormous, the most elite angel could not have done it. He was to be seperated from his father & his father' love; alone in a world that was poluted by sin, the stench of which affected him.
He was betrayed by one who was dear to his heart, denied by one whom he loved dearly, he was the head & creator of the church, but was rejected by that which he founded; his friend choose a murderer & rejected him, he was accused of lying when he spoke only the turth. he was convicted for a crime he did not commit, he was taunted by a thief, mocked by infedells & die a shameful death. All this was done just for me.
Did you know, all this happen in full view of his father & all of heaven who felt the misery & pain. Their heart was severely broken.
Then all of hell trimble in fear, as great laughter and Joy fill the father's throne. All of heaven burst into tears of Joy & a shout of victory was heard as he who was rejected, dispised and scorned; shake off the chains of death and solving her greatest mystery. The grave in fear of the awesome risen One, renigged on her deal with death, to confine Yahweh's son for eternity. So she opened her belly and set Jesus free.
Soon every knees will bow and all tongue will proclaim him King of kings.