Friday, January 2, 2009

2008 Have Ended lets Welcom Jehovah into 2009

...........I Know Where I'm Going mp3

...........Assalamu alaikum.....Peace be unto you.

2008 has quietly slipped into the pass and it is now history. As we look back on the activities that took place in 2008, we will be confronted with many things that we could have done much better then we did; behaviorally and otherwise. Some of the activities we were involved in may make us shudder while others may give us a sense of pride. But all in all we are fortunate to still be residing on the land of the living and in a world that is still capable of sustaining life.

We were blessed daily with clean air, drinkable water and food for our stomach, all of which was responsible for the nourishing of our body. We were also blessed with clothes for our backs and shelter that protected us from the elements. All of our needs were provided for by Jehovah God.

It is important to note that Jehovah has walked through 2008 and while he was there he put every thing in place for our safe passage throughout the. We must not forget to give Jehovah thanks for every thing (good and bad) that happened to us during the pass year. It matters not how bad our experience were, we must always bear in mind that it could have been worst and there are people who are worst off than we are.

Each person is of the opinion that his or her problems no matter how small are worst than everyone else’s problems and no one can never understand the magnitude of their trials. We should be happy and have the assurance that we serves a God (Jesus) who have been tempted, tested and tried as we are yet he have not sinned.

More than Jesus sinless life; he had taken the liberty to equip us with the source of power he used while he was on earth, void of his awesome heavenly powers and glory. Jesus/Jehovah have provided for our daily use; the Holy Spirit, the most awesomely powerful force for good. This force is more devastating than any other force that exist (good and bad). Just to think that this force is at my disposal, to be used by me to overcome and conqueror any devilish plot that is devised against me. Such a comforting and secure though.

The most overwhelming fact, is the knowledge that it matters not who we are, where we are from, how old we are, and what religion we choose to celebrate; our all loving, ever forgiving, and merciful Jehovah have grant us rights to the power of the holy spirit and the guidance and protection of his (Jehovah) holy angels

But we must never forget that although Jehovah loves us unconditionally his protection and blessings are conditional. He has promised to satisfy all of our needs, according to his riches in glory; however that is hinged on the condition that we seek him first and all of his righteousness.

Matt. 6: 30 says “Wherefore, if God clothed the grass of the fields which is here today and is cast into an oven. Should he not clothe you? Do not worry about tomorrow, I will take care of your tomorrow.”

Matt. 6: 33, But Seek ye first the kingdom of God and all his righteousness and all these things will be add onto you"

It is important to note that Jehovah’s condition is basically the same for every promise and that is as long as we trust and rely on him to satisfy our hearts desire he will always be there to ensure that all of our needs are met. It matters not how large, expensive, or complex our needs are, Jehovah will employ all of his resources (like the snap of his fingers lol) to ensure that our needs are met.

  1. one who love you unconditionally
  2. one who is willing to give all for your protection and sustenance.

  3. one who can provided your grandest emotional, psychological, spiritual, financial and everyother conceivable needs each person can ever think of or experience.

Wisdom and commonsense dictates, that we give our loyalty, affection, love and adoration to one with such quality; and the only one who possess such qualities is Jehovah God.

We must be reassure that just as Jehovah have done in the pass. He has already walked through 2009 and has stacked every thing in our favor to ensure that we all are victorious in every thing we put our hands to. When we confronted dangerous situations we must know that Jesus will be with us always (I will never leave or forsake you) but most of all it is the will of God it on the other side of 2009 may we rest in peace with the assurance that on that bright and awesome/awful day when Jesus will descend from heaven with a shout; may we be caught up in the first resurrection.

So for 2009, let us make sure that we totally rely and love the Jehovah God the only one who knows the future and have stack all of the events of 2009 in our favor. In 2009 we cannot fail, or lose because our heavenly father have already ensure that we have the victory; but first we have to seek God first.

Seeking God first means that we have to totally rely on Jehovah to for the big things as well as the little thing. We must have faith in Jehovah's ability and willingness to supply all of our needs. We must also come to the realization it is Jehovah's will that none be lost.
I Know Where I'm Going mp3

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