Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are We Taking Jehovah For Granted?

In the days before Jesus Christ suffered the death of a criminal and in the process was offered up, as the perfect sacrifice, for the sins of all mankind; man was burden down with the arduous task of the sacrificial system: as it is found in the book of Leviticus. The sacrificial system can be considered the “do it” of salvation.

In that era, the process by which an individual acquire salvation was a very complicated one, this was consisted of many daily, seasonal, and yearly sacrifices; also the presenting of offerings for many different reasons. One had to know when, and what kind of offering is required at any given period. Whether we were presenting an offering of thanks giving onto Jehovah or a sacrifice for the atonement/forgiveness for sins, the worshiper had to take the offering or sacrifice to the priest. The ceremony for this consecrated service had to be preformed by the High Priest if the desired results were to be achieved.

The wonderful thing about the sanctuary service was, that fact that everything that were practice, had a deeper purpose and meaning. The sanctuary service was a reflection of Jehovah’s love for the human family. In this service, the detail plan of salvation was laid out. Unlike today, in this era, mankind was helpless and his salvation was dependant on the faith of and in the high priest.

Let say for argument sake, that you believed in Jehovah God with all of your heart and you had faith that Jehovah will forgive your sins; however the high priest who presented the offering or offered the sacrifice on your behalf, had unconfused sin in his life, and he die (any High Priest who enters the most holy place with one unrepentant sin were immediately struck dead) on entering the restricted Most Holy Place. Then it is obvious, that sacrifice would be rejected and your sins will not be forgiven until one that is worthy, intercedes and ensuring the required rights were preformed on your behalf.

However, when Jesus Christ: the perfect and sinless son of Jehovah was crucified, on the cross, between two thieves and in the stead of Bar-ab-bas the murder; we were offered a phenomenal privilege. This was the beginning of the end of the sacrificial system. When Christ Jesus gave up his ghost, (die) and the vale in the temple was thorn in two; thus exposing the very exclusive, private and restrictive Holy Place in the temple; this pivotal and historical point marked the end of the sacrificial system. Matthew 27: 50-51.

The renting of the partitioning vale was more literal than symbolic. The rent vale was literal in that:

  • The purpose of the temple had now changed and the secrecy, exclusiveness, the old sacrifices and the old purpose of the temple, were to be no more.

  • It marked the fulfillment of Jehovah’s plan of salvation.

  • Now worshipers of Jehovah can approach their creator in the name of his son Jesus Christ and formally present request to Jehovah on his or her own behalf.

No more will man’s forgiveness from sins, be dependant on another (the High Priest). From that time on, everyone was responsibility for his or her own salvation. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we no longer have to go through the complicated preparation process for the sacrifice; but we can approached the thorn of Jehovah in Jesus’ name, anywhere, anytime anyhow and present out petitions whatever they may be. We can asked for forgiveness of sins, say thanks for blessings received, asked for miracles, interventions etc. one would have thought that having been afforded and awarded such an awesome privilege, that man would have taken advantage of and exploit such a valuable opportunity.

The refusal or neglect to exploit such an awesome opportunity would cause us to become spiritually malnourished and void in the things of the all loving God: Jehovah. This prevents us from developing a superior quality relationship with our creator. Relationships like that of the three Hebrew boys, Daniel, Job, Paul, Moses, David, Ruth, Rehab, Elijah, etc. the type of relationship that will lead us to forsake self and serve Jehovah with our whole heart.

It seems that we do not understand or appreciate what Jehovah had done for us, when he made a conscious decision to allow his only son, whom he love more than anything or anyone to come into this world as a man, and allowed his son who is equal to himself (Jehovah) to suffer the indignity and death of a criminal. It seems that we do not understand and or appreciate what Jesus did for us, when he allowed himself to be mocked, scorned, insulted, beaten, spat upon, tortured, and killed by being that are his inferior.

Are we taking the superior, almighty and totally awesome God for granted? Do you realize that Jehovah love you so much that he decide to give you free access to every thing he posses. Is this a case where familiarity breaths contempt.

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