Monday, March 9, 2009

Is God the Name of Your Creator and Redeemer?

The heathen religion of this world, formulate their religion on the same principles and they uses the pattern, ceremonies and practices from that which was designed by the creator God for his people to worship him. It is strange that in some areas Jehovah's people: the Christian community have forgotten or ignore some basic principles of worship the other religions have not.

This leads me to ask a very important question: who is God?

The answer to this question varies depending on who you ask. It is important to understand that the answer to this question varies even within the Christians community. We know from the teaching of Jehovah as is recorded in the laws: the Ten Commandments; that he instituted for our protection and as a means for us to exhibit or display our obedience to him. Exodus 20: 3, Thou shall have no other God but me. This text is implying that it is possible for Jehovah's people to have other Gods.

Are you suggesting that there are Christians who has and worship other God than Jehovah?

The person or thing that has our devotion is our god. For example there are some people who worship money and making a living, there are people who worship their cars, houses, their children, their spouses etc.

Can you please help me to understand what you mean when you say there are Christian who worship money, making a living etc?

A perfect example of this is in Jehovah’s words and in particularly, Exodus 20: 8-11, which is the commandment that declared the Sabbath, the Sabbath observance, and the requirement of the Sabbath: which is the day of rest from secular work, the day which should be devoted to Jehovah. Now let us say a brother or sister read, understood and are convicted of the purpose and importance of the Sabbath but chose to continue or take up employment that requires him to violate Jehovah’s holy Sabbath, then this individual may be worshiping making money or the Job and thus these activities becomes his gods. The bible said in end of 1 Samuel 15: 22 "and Samuel said, hath the Lord have great delight in burnt offering and sacrifice as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice".

For this reason, it is dangerous for an individual not to identify to whom they are speaking of when they are praying or giving a testimony. It is my believe like the people of old who always seems to identify to whom and of whom they speak, we today must also identify to which God we attributes credit, thank and to who we make our various/numerous request. The prophets of old refer to Jehovah by his name, an event or an association. Examples of such are:

  • The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
  • The God of Joseph,

  • Jehovah, Yahsuah,
  • The God who deliver Israel from the land of Egypt.

It was important to Moses when Jehovah instructed him to go to Pharaoh the king of Egypt in his quest to free the children of Israel. Moses asked, who must I say send me. Why didn’t Moses just go and tell Pharaoh God send me? Why was it so important for Moses to let Pharaoh know who sent him and why?

For Christian who worship other god’s (those who are more devoted to their jobs, their family members, and other things than they are to Jehovah) when they offer up a prayer using the word "God," is it possible even if they are in church that they are offering up that prayer to that object or person that is the center of their attention.

Is it possible that when such person offers up a prayer on your behalf that they are really offering up that prayer to that person, thing or being that is the subject/center of there affection, loyalty, and devotion? and that can be anything from their car to their children to Jehovah.

The above questions were not meant to provoke anger; but were design to help us to think.

It is with this in mind that I chooses to refer to the God that I serve by one of the following names: Jehovah, Yahshua and or Yahweh; or by his works as the creator of the universe and all that is in it. I have and feel the need to identify to people of whom I am speaking, when I am expressing some truth about him.

In the heathen worship, they saw the need to identify the thousand of gods they serve. Every god that these people worship has a name. They ensure that credit for the things, they believe their powerless gods did/does, is not attributed to any other. It is even more important that we as the Children of Jehovah the only all powerful, creator and redeemer of mand kind, we also must ensure that the credit for all his awesome works are not attributed to anyone but him.

We all must know that it is the delight of the Devil that Jehovah’s credit goes to anyone and anything but Jehovah. It is your choice to worship Jehovah base on your conviction and the dictates of your conscience.

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