Thursday, May 20, 2010

Can You Win Even When The Odds Are Stocked Against You?

                                        Can you win when the odds are heavily stocked against you?

Can you win when the odds are heavily stocked against you? This is the question we must answer today. Before we go any further, let us take some time to define what is meant by the term "the odds are against you." This term is use to describe a situation where a person is confronted with an issue, challenge, or a task  where it appears as if the chances of failure is much greater than the chances of success.

When the odds are against you means; you are in the weak side of an uneven competitive matchup Or the chance of something good happening to you is slight to impossible. An example of such is: a basketball team with only three plays has an almost impossible chance of winning a match. In the case of the basketball team with three players the odds are stock against them and it is highly unlikely that they will win that game.

It is like asking a high school basketball star to go up against Kobe Bryant today or Michael Jordon after he had won his 4th NBA championship ring. The odds of that student winning a game of one and one against either of these consummate professionals are totally against that student. In this case the odds are highly stocked against that student.

In their field, Kobe Bryant and Michael Jordon are exceptionally skilled athletes, who have homed their skills over many years of playing against the best in their field. These men through hard work, natural talent and the will to be the best at what they do, have cause them to be elevated above all other in their sport.

So I will ask the question again. Can you win when the odds are heavily stocked against you? Fortunately, odds stocked against you only presents a difficulty; it do not present an impossibility. It do not say you cannot win, all that reality means is, your chances of winning is very small. In the case of the high school athlete; one of the ways he may win is, if Michael or Cobe slipped and injured their leg and either athlete are unable to move about the court.

Very often, as Christians, we encounter situations, that put us in the unfortunate position where we are forced to go up against odds, which are intentionally stocked against us and as Christians, at times, we are overwhelmed by such odds. But we must take comfort in the fact that Yah said in his words. I will not allow you more than you can bear. 1 Cor. 10:13, No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it.

Here we are reassured that Yah: the great Creator God has promise that when we make an effort to stand up for him, he will make a way out of whatever situation we are confronted with. 2 Peter 2:9, “So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue Godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment.”

All through the bible and all throughout our lives we have seen and experienced that Jehovah knows how to rescue his children not when the odds are stock against them; but more so when they are up against impossible situations.

We have seen the three Hebrew boys who stood up for Yah choosing rather to be thrown into a burning furnace that was heated ten times hotter than it should have been, than to defile Jehovah’s law. The heat that emanated from that furnace was so hot, that the men who threw the three Hebrew boys into the fiery furnace was roasted by the heat that came from the furnace; however the three Hebrew boys were in the middle of the furnace where it was at its hottest yet the only thing that occurred with them were the ropes that bound them were burned off of Jehovah’s faithful followers. But what was more impressive is the fact that when they were taken out of the fire, not even the smell of smoke was detected upon them.

Can a living creature, after been eaten, digested and spend three days in the belley of its predator then being vomited up by his predator, survive such an ordeal? Let us examining the possibility of such a thing happening.

In the stomach there are many digestive acid and enzymes; that aids in the break down and conversion of food particle into that which the body can use to provide energy, to repair it’s self and encourage growth.

There is a particular stomach acid that is call: Hydrochloric acid; this acid is a very powerful acid; so much so, scientist has replicated this acid to be use in many industries. If this acid comes into contact with the skin, it will burn through the skin creating an ulcer or an open sore. Mile inhalation of Hydrochloric acid can cause choking, inflammation of the nose, throat, and the upper respiratory system; pulmonary edema (abnormal build up of fluid in the air sacs of the lungs) and circulatory failure (inability of the cardiovascular system to supply the cells of the body with enough oxygenated blood). If a person who has been exposed to Hydrochloric acid and are experiencing these symptoms is allowed to go without proven medical treatment, that person will eventually lead to death.

Yet Jonah spend three days and three nights in the stomach of a whale swimming in hydrochloric acid; yet his body was not consumes, he did not die from respiratory failure or pulmonary edema. When Jonah was later puked up on the shore, he was in fine health. He had no sores, no irritations, and no inflamed organs for with God all things are possible.

We also saw the children of Israel standing before the Red Sea, with no means of getting to the other side (a place of safety) in an attempt to escape the furious, well trained and well outfitted arm of Pharaoh; who was in hot pursuit of God's children. Yet when Moses, when he followed Yah’s instruction and touched the the Red Sea with his rod; the water with animated intelligence moved out of the Yah’s children way; Providing a clear path for them to escape the rage of the devil inspired, ill intended army of the Egyptians.

When I was only a teenager, I was knifed by a devil inspired assailant, whose ten inches knife blade was plunged into my stomach. This resulted in serious injuries; were vital internal rgans were badly damaging. In the process the assailant an his knife did much damage within me, some of which were irreparable. Topping off this whole experience is a fact, which baffles me even up to today; for the person who Yahweh assigned to preformed life saving surgery on me; the one who repaeird the injured tissues and organs was not qualify to operate yet I have never had a complication since.

What are the chances of these ever happening? These events are total impossibilities yet when Jehovah got involved every thing that was impossible became possible. The bible says in Matt. 19:26 But Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.”

No matter what situation we find our self in, even when the odds are stocked against us, we have nothing to fear. For when Yahweh gets involved in our affairs on our behalf; immediately, the odds are stocked in our favor; he makes it totally impossible for us to lose. He also causes all of the impossibilities that confronts us and make them possible. This is the way Yahweh function, he goes up and beyond human’s understanding; just when you thought there were no way out of a predicament; Yah puts in an appearance and make a door where there were no door, he gives you strength where you were failing, comfort where you were hurting and life where you were dying. Yah is all we need to be victorious.

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