Think about the act of creation, where the almighty Yahweh, the only true God, created the universe; made a creature with his own hands. That creature was made from the most common thing available: dirt. After which he breathe breath into him & man was perfect, in mind, body, soul and in relationship with his creator: Yahweh. Impressive, isn't it?
Would you like to know what was more impressive than creation? what was more impressive than creation was the effort, the time, the planning, the sacrifice; the pain, the lost, the perfect timing and the love that made the plan of salvation huge success.
Here we have an all powerful God, that made some creatures that were less powerful, than the least of the angels, less beautiful, than the least of the angel, less important to his (Yahweh's) worship than the least angel, we were not even given the ability to fly as angels can but the common souless birds could. Human Kind was the least in every way of Yahweh's intelligent creatures.
When the Creator God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit came together, and used everything they had by investing it in the redemption of human kind; by the virtue of that act, every repentant sinner, who was redeemed, was transformed into the most valued of Yahweh's creators and each lost soul is the most valuable waste there is, or ever will be.
O how Yahweh, O how Jesus, O how Yah's Spirit must have love you and me. For Yahweh gave his only Son, and His Son Give His Life what more could they do. O how they love me and you.