Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Who are you?

Who are you? What is your purpose on earth? Why you are not yet dead?
These are three questions each of us should answer. Please note, you are a very important person; you are so important that the son of the almighty Yahweh, the creator of the universe and everything in it: Jesus Christ, died in your place.
What! Do you understand what that means? No one has anything on you. Even if a person has 3 or 4 or 5 PhDs, even if they have all the money in the world, all the fame, etc. they have not achieve anything that you cannot achieve if you are faithful to Yahweh, his son Jesus Christ and faithful to their mission for you and the world.
Your purpose in life is to spend each day, each hour, each minute of each day, in humble worship to the Almighty Yahweh in Jesus' name. Your job, and other vocation means nothing unless you have the presence of mind to do as Job did. Job loved the lord his God (Yahweh) and hate even the very thought of evil. The only reason you are still alive today is because Yahweh wants for you to experience the awesome, glory and ecstasy that is associated with praising him and his Son: Jesus Christ in spirit, in truth and in love.
May the almighty Yahweh, bring you and I into a greater union with him in his holy Son Jesus Christ's name.

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