Thursday, March 26, 2009

Who is Responsible for the delinquency of our children?

........Who is to be blame for the delinquency of our children?

Proverbs 6:22 states: “Train up a child in the way that he should go; and when he is old he will not depart from it. Imbedded in this statement is the weight of the responsibility parents are expected to bear. What are the words of Jehovah God actually saying in this scripture text? It is important that we examine this text carefully and pay attention to a particular key word in this text. The basic information that is transmitted in this text is clear; however we need to examine the key word that can change the meaning of the text.

The key word in this text is “will.” Will is definite; there is no uncertainty in will. If there were a chance that after we have train our children as Jehovah expected and prescribed they would go astray; then the all knowing, all powerful, omnipresence Jehovah would have replace the word will with may. Jehovah cannot lie and keep his supreme Godly status. If we train the child or children correctly they will not depart from the training when he, she or they reaches adulthood.

The best illustration there is to provide a practical explanation of this is as follows: When Jehovah blesses us with a child, that child’s mind can be compared to that of a pure empty piece of sponge. The parents are responsible for everything that sponge observes. It is therefore the parent responsibility to ensure that the sponge becomes saturated with only pure, wholesome, uplifting materials. They should also have knowledge of any negative that is observed into that sponge so they can take the necessary steps to limit the impact of such contamint.

Now, if you left that sponge unattended and a stranger comes by, take your clean pure sponge and puke on that sponge. Who is to be blame for contaminating the sponge? And let us say once again, you neglect to pay attention to that which you are responsible for, and one of you jealous friend come by, urinate on your sponge and another defecate on your sponge. Now, who is responsible for the contamination of your sponge? Yes you are. It is as a result of your neglect and incompetence that resulted in such contamination.

In some cases, even though the sponge looks normal, whenever that sponge is squeezed it will results the emission of impurities. It is the same with a child. When through our neglect and laziness we creates (left alone with horrible people) an environment for negative influences to infiltrate the psyche of our children which eventually resulted in delinquent, antisocial and unacceptable behaviors. Who are to be blame?

Today’s parents are quick to take credit for the positive accomplishment of their children, yet they disassociate themselves from their negatives and rebellious behaviors. It is a fact that each of us want to be associated with positive or good things; as truthful as that may be, we are not to deceitfully cast the blame for our parental short comings on others especially the victims.

The greatest gift and the most awesome responsibility an individual can take on is that of being a parent. However we dedicate more quality time to ensuring we are successful in our professional endeavors, the management of our finances and other assets than we put into the nurturing of our children: the most precious of all the valuables we will ever be responsible for.

In the same manner Jehovah entrusted us with wealth, our life and time etc. He also entrust us and make us custodian of the children he place in our care. Even more important than the money we are asked to manage for Jehovah, is the care of our children: the most priceless and precious gifts we will ever get. In the scriptures we are asked to return a faithful tithe and free will offering which, we willingly do with a level of seriousness, commitment and loyalty. Yet the nurturing and the protection of the children that are in our care are not treated with the same level of seriousness, commitment and loyalty.

We do not give any and every person access to our money; we do not lend our money to irresponsible people, we do not invest in companies unless we have perform due diligence, we do not give gifts to people who do not deserve such; we do not allow just anyone into our home and cars. In short we take very good care to ensure our assets are secure and properly utilized. Yet we expose and entrust our children to people of all strange beliefs, concepts, morality, training and behaviors. We secure our monies in gigantic impregnable fortresses but we entrust and leave our children in the destructive hands of pedophiles, rapist, homosexuals, thieves etc. who intentionally imposes themselves (rape) and their corrupt values (persuade them to do things that is against your and your children moral and belief) on our children.

Marriage and parenthood is not a responsibility we should get into without first going through some critical self examination, setting goals, and developing the will and habit to ensure that the family objectives are accomplished. It is also important that potential parents asked Jehovah for wisdom to make decisions, set goals, and take actions that will aid us to accomplish the goals.

As parents we are responsible to ensure that our children are protected, provided for, taught how to be responsible and in turn become good husband or wife and good parents. *We must exhort such influence that our children are protected even in our absence. We owe that much to our children.

In the same way we will be called upon to give an account to Jehovah for our action, and our custodian of the thing our Creator has entrusted us with, we will be called upon to give account to Jehovah for the children he has entrust us with. Unfortunately for us all, our fancy excuses will not work on him. Jehovah knows every instant of neglect and parental hypocrisy and the impact such had on the child and the outcome of the child.

It is also important to note that parental hypocrisy is the most dangerous exemplified behavior a parent can give to his child or children. You may notice that I used the word give. Yes that is what we actually do to our child or children when we teach them with our life and the way we life; the life we live daily is a total contradiction to what we expect of our children. Remember action still speak louder then words; and example is still the greatest teacher. Can you explain how the cliché a picture is worth a thousand words applies in this case?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Music: Why Do You Feel The Way That You Do?

From generation to generation the devil uses the subject of music, as an instrument of confusion. He uses it to drives the wedges of division into the cracks of personal preferences and opinions in order to created a ravine of disharmony in the family of Jehovah. One will never believe that an individual will restrict the worship and the spreading of Jehovah’s message to the use of a particular type or genre of music; which is normally the music of the elders. When the elders of today were youths they fought for the rights to worship Jehovah according to their conscience at the time. Yet today they are instrumental in depriving the youths of the same rights they as young people fought for. The unfortunate thing is they uses the same un-biblical (personal preference and opinion) argument to support their position.

For to long we sat back and hear instruments of the devils: the people who hide their dirty life and evil intent in the clothes of Christianity, as they impose their concept of worship on the whole body of Christ. They ignore their conscience (God voice) and deceptively disguise their personal opinions and preferences as the Gospel of Jesus Christ and the will of Jehovah. All this is done in an effort to banish the youths and to take away their honest expression, their witness, their love and their worship of Yahshua. Yet the young people are forced to worship their creator in a manner which was appointed for them by their elders. As a result the youthful love for Jehovah is lost and their worship is buried in the hypocrisy of the elders: who have long lost their love and appreciation for Jehovah’s wonderful goodness.

These same elders and church leaders are responsible for glorifying Satan more than they do Jehovah, they attributing more credit to him than he deserves and they speak of him more than they speak of Jehovah. Like the pharisees of Matthew 12: 22-33 who attributed Jesus exhibition of Jehovah’s power to the working of Be-el-ez-bub: (the prince of the devils) they accredit to Satan, the power to create music, and because of their own dislike for Godly things, they ignore the Godly messages in the songs and call such song, songs of the devil; they also declare the sincere servants of Jehovah and Jesus as instrument of the devil.

Everyone knows that the devil never had or do not have any creative power. Lucifer like many musician, vocalist or song writer was blessed with the gift of presenting music for the worship of Jehovah, he cannot be credited for creating music. Every beat, cord, rythem etc. was created by Jehovah and placed in the head of Lucifer and such were only exhibited when he was inspired by Jehovah. It is this knowledge that Satan use today, to influence men to taint Jehovah's music with messages of hate, lust, and the disrespect of Jehovah and his holy laws.

Over the years we saw the devil convincing sincere church leaders that soul music, jazz, blues, etc. were music that he created for his and other purpose. He also convinced them that such music should not be used in the church. This resulting in the Church branding the visionaries of Jehovah and Jesus Christ as evil troublemakers (in the same way Martin Luther King was for following his conscience) for listening to their consciences and for trying to serve Jehovah in the best way they knew how.

Some claim that the introduction of such music confuses the young people in the churches, and as such they are lead astray and eventually leave the church for the world. Hypocrisy in others and in the church may generate objective thinking and critical conversation among youths but nothing confuses young people like parental hypocrisy. As a matter of fact no hypocrite preacher can lead to the falling away of a young person or youth who had strong honest parents, who worked together for the harmony of the home and who exhibited such strength and honesty daily.

It is important that we all come to a common understanding that all music was created by Jehovah for his glory, honor and worship as well as for the edification of his creatures. Jehovah’s Holy Book (The Bible) declared that all things were made by him and without him there were nothing made which was made. Does this include music?

The bible was given to us by Jehovah and it provides us with critical information that we need for our spiritual growth and sustenance. He advise us on our diet, as in Leviticus 11: our sexual relationships as in Leviticus 20, our associates and association as in 2 Corinthians 6:14; he saw it fit to outlined those events of the pass that will help us to build the type of character he wants us to develop, and he reveal to us those things that must come to pass in order to cement of our faith in him and his words.

Yet anytime the subject of song and music is mentioned in Jehovah's words; He admonishes us to use the same to praise his name, worship him and to rejoice for all of his marvelous work he did for us. He did not put any restriction on the type of instrument, the volume of the praise but he sure said how such should be done. Psalm 33:4 which clearly states “sing unto the lord a new song; play skillfully with loud noise for the words of the lord is right, and all of the works are done in truth.”

Revelation speaks of Jehovah's angel singing songs of praise and worship to him: “holy, holy, holy, Lord God almighty. In what measure of harmony were they singing? What tempo did they use to proclaimed Jehovah’s character (holy) and position (almighty Lord and God)? Could it have been in blues, jazz, reggae, calypso, rap etc?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Are We Taking Jehovah For Granted?

In the days before Jesus Christ suffered the death of a criminal and in the process was offered up, as the perfect sacrifice, for the sins of all mankind; man was burden down with the arduous task of the sacrificial system: as it is found in the book of Leviticus. The sacrificial system can be considered the “do it” of salvation.

In that era, the process by which an individual acquire salvation was a very complicated one, this was consisted of many daily, seasonal, and yearly sacrifices; also the presenting of offerings for many different reasons. One had to know when, and what kind of offering is required at any given period. Whether we were presenting an offering of thanks giving onto Jehovah or a sacrifice for the atonement/forgiveness for sins, the worshiper had to take the offering or sacrifice to the priest. The ceremony for this consecrated service had to be preformed by the High Priest if the desired results were to be achieved.

The wonderful thing about the sanctuary service was, that fact that everything that were practice, had a deeper purpose and meaning. The sanctuary service was a reflection of Jehovah’s love for the human family. In this service, the detail plan of salvation was laid out. Unlike today, in this era, mankind was helpless and his salvation was dependant on the faith of and in the high priest.

Let say for argument sake, that you believed in Jehovah God with all of your heart and you had faith that Jehovah will forgive your sins; however the high priest who presented the offering or offered the sacrifice on your behalf, had unconfused sin in his life, and he die (any High Priest who enters the most holy place with one unrepentant sin were immediately struck dead) on entering the restricted Most Holy Place. Then it is obvious, that sacrifice would be rejected and your sins will not be forgiven until one that is worthy, intercedes and ensuring the required rights were preformed on your behalf.

However, when Jesus Christ: the perfect and sinless son of Jehovah was crucified, on the cross, between two thieves and in the stead of Bar-ab-bas the murder; we were offered a phenomenal privilege. This was the beginning of the end of the sacrificial system. When Christ Jesus gave up his ghost, (die) and the vale in the temple was thorn in two; thus exposing the very exclusive, private and restrictive Holy Place in the temple; this pivotal and historical point marked the end of the sacrificial system. Matthew 27: 50-51.

The renting of the partitioning vale was more literal than symbolic. The rent vale was literal in that:

  • The purpose of the temple had now changed and the secrecy, exclusiveness, the old sacrifices and the old purpose of the temple, were to be no more.

  • It marked the fulfillment of Jehovah’s plan of salvation.

  • Now worshipers of Jehovah can approach their creator in the name of his son Jesus Christ and formally present request to Jehovah on his or her own behalf.

No more will man’s forgiveness from sins, be dependant on another (the High Priest). From that time on, everyone was responsibility for his or her own salvation. Because of Jesus’ death on the cross, we no longer have to go through the complicated preparation process for the sacrifice; but we can approached the thorn of Jehovah in Jesus’ name, anywhere, anytime anyhow and present out petitions whatever they may be. We can asked for forgiveness of sins, say thanks for blessings received, asked for miracles, interventions etc. one would have thought that having been afforded and awarded such an awesome privilege, that man would have taken advantage of and exploit such a valuable opportunity.

The refusal or neglect to exploit such an awesome opportunity would cause us to become spiritually malnourished and void in the things of the all loving God: Jehovah. This prevents us from developing a superior quality relationship with our creator. Relationships like that of the three Hebrew boys, Daniel, Job, Paul, Moses, David, Ruth, Rehab, Elijah, etc. the type of relationship that will lead us to forsake self and serve Jehovah with our whole heart.

It seems that we do not understand or appreciate what Jehovah had done for us, when he made a conscious decision to allow his only son, whom he love more than anything or anyone to come into this world as a man, and allowed his son who is equal to himself (Jehovah) to suffer the indignity and death of a criminal. It seems that we do not understand and or appreciate what Jesus did for us, when he allowed himself to be mocked, scorned, insulted, beaten, spat upon, tortured, and killed by being that are his inferior.

Are we taking the superior, almighty and totally awesome God for granted? Do you realize that Jehovah love you so much that he decide to give you free access to every thing he posses. Is this a case where familiarity breaths contempt.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Is God the Name of Your Creator and Redeemer?

The heathen religion of this world, formulate their religion on the same principles and they uses the pattern, ceremonies and practices from that which was designed by the creator God for his people to worship him. It is strange that in some areas Jehovah's people: the Christian community have forgotten or ignore some basic principles of worship the other religions have not.

This leads me to ask a very important question: who is God?

The answer to this question varies depending on who you ask. It is important to understand that the answer to this question varies even within the Christians community. We know from the teaching of Jehovah as is recorded in the laws: the Ten Commandments; that he instituted for our protection and as a means for us to exhibit or display our obedience to him. Exodus 20: 3, Thou shall have no other God but me. This text is implying that it is possible for Jehovah's people to have other Gods.

Are you suggesting that there are Christians who has and worship other God than Jehovah?

The person or thing that has our devotion is our god. For example there are some people who worship money and making a living, there are people who worship their cars, houses, their children, their spouses etc.

Can you please help me to understand what you mean when you say there are Christian who worship money, making a living etc?

A perfect example of this is in Jehovah’s words and in particularly, Exodus 20: 8-11, which is the commandment that declared the Sabbath, the Sabbath observance, and the requirement of the Sabbath: which is the day of rest from secular work, the day which should be devoted to Jehovah. Now let us say a brother or sister read, understood and are convicted of the purpose and importance of the Sabbath but chose to continue or take up employment that requires him to violate Jehovah’s holy Sabbath, then this individual may be worshiping making money or the Job and thus these activities becomes his gods. The bible said in end of 1 Samuel 15: 22 "and Samuel said, hath the Lord have great delight in burnt offering and sacrifice as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold to obey is better than sacrifice".

For this reason, it is dangerous for an individual not to identify to whom they are speaking of when they are praying or giving a testimony. It is my believe like the people of old who always seems to identify to whom and of whom they speak, we today must also identify to which God we attributes credit, thank and to who we make our various/numerous request. The prophets of old refer to Jehovah by his name, an event or an association. Examples of such are:

  • The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob;
  • The God of Joseph,

  • Jehovah, Yahsuah,
  • The God who deliver Israel from the land of Egypt.

It was important to Moses when Jehovah instructed him to go to Pharaoh the king of Egypt in his quest to free the children of Israel. Moses asked, who must I say send me. Why didn’t Moses just go and tell Pharaoh God send me? Why was it so important for Moses to let Pharaoh know who sent him and why?

For Christian who worship other god’s (those who are more devoted to their jobs, their family members, and other things than they are to Jehovah) when they offer up a prayer using the word "God," is it possible even if they are in church that they are offering up that prayer to that object or person that is the center of their attention.

Is it possible that when such person offers up a prayer on your behalf that they are really offering up that prayer to that person, thing or being that is the subject/center of there affection, loyalty, and devotion? and that can be anything from their car to their children to Jehovah.

The above questions were not meant to provoke anger; but were design to help us to think.

It is with this in mind that I chooses to refer to the God that I serve by one of the following names: Jehovah, Yahshua and or Yahweh; or by his works as the creator of the universe and all that is in it. I have and feel the need to identify to people of whom I am speaking, when I am expressing some truth about him.

In the heathen worship, they saw the need to identify the thousand of gods they serve. Every god that these people worship has a name. They ensure that credit for the things, they believe their powerless gods did/does, is not attributed to any other. It is even more important that we as the Children of Jehovah the only all powerful, creator and redeemer of mand kind, we also must ensure that the credit for all his awesome works are not attributed to anyone but him.

We all must know that it is the delight of the Devil that Jehovah’s credit goes to anyone and anything but Jehovah. It is your choice to worship Jehovah base on your conviction and the dictates of your conscience.